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Everything posted by karmacomposer

  1. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I JUST purchased Modo 601/701 and was going to have to figure this out at some point. I have so much to learn!!! Mike
  2. If anyone needs SFX, that's what I do - that and custom music scoring. Josh, what kind of shoes? Hard, soft, etc? Room ambience (reverb)? How much, how little or as little as possible? Mike
  3. Since I have 3DWS and conversion software, I will take a stab at converting these. Mike
  4. Ohhhh, FANTASTIC! Water and terrain are my two biggies I am waiting for! Mike
  5. Yep. I can program in other languages, so Lua really does not seem very hard at all. Just learning all the commands LE3 offers and how to program them is truly the challenge. I love to create outdoor games, so when large terrains and water, among other things, is available, LE3 will be a ton of fun. I hope that when terrain is available in-game, it is deformable (as in, destructable). Same goes for objects. I love games where you can blow things apart (like buildings, walls, caves, etc). Other than that, LE3 seems perfect for 2D games, side scrollers, indoor FPS games and more. Are space games possible in Leadwerks 3? Mike
  6. I received a new key and have my LE2 key as well. Loving Leadwerks 3, by the way. Can;t wait for terrain and water. Mike
  7. In my eagerness to learn Lua, which does not seem to be too hard, just different, I was downloading Lua scripts from the Leadwerks Asset store. I noticed MOST of them are pretty old and mostly work with LE2, although there were a few that were written for Leadwerks 3. First, are there going to be any new scripts for Leadwerks 3? Almost everything available as a learning resource, other than Leadwerks' own training materials is geared towards beginning "Hello World" ****. I now know how to add 5+5 in Lua! YAY. However, this does nothing to help me with Leadwerks 3 engine, which is just a smidge harder than that. Among other things, I am looking for a first person Lua script. In just messing around with Leadwerks 3, I figured I could just drop in a FPS Lua script and it would just work. I'm probably wrong about that. I did drop in the freelook Lua script and that was pretty cool as a way to fly around my level and see how it looks. I deleted that and re-imported the original 3rd person script, but changed the orientation of the camera to be more of a over the shoulder type (I need to make it 'float' so it can move intelligently with the character). I dragged and dropped the Barbarian model into the script (the folder icon was greyed out, so dragging and dropping was the only way to do that). It worked, but then I had to re-do the WASD keys since they were set for a birds-eye camera instead of a properly oriented third person over-the-shoulder camera. All in all, what a TON OF FUN this is. I really love LE3 and i'm beginning to see just how powerful this engine is and will be. When terrain and other elements that were major selling points in LE2 make it into the LE3 engine, what a winner this will be! Let's just see some more Lua scripts from you experts so us total noobs have something to learn from. Mike
  8. Got it! I've been reading the docs most of the day. I will continue to read all of the instructions before I begin. Mike
  9. I bought Modo 601/701 and will be using that to create my objects, characters and terrains. Thank you for these tutorials. I have bought several books about Blender in the past and STILL could not get the hang of the program. It just does not work the way I am used to with other 3D animation programs. Mike
  10. I am watching a tutorial series on Lua scripting and it advises to download Lua for Windows so you can run Lua scripts in Windows. Is this necessary with Leadwerks 3 or is this already built in? Thanks. Mike
  11. I caved. I now am the proud purchaser of Leadwerks 3 with IOS and Android deployment modules. Now I have to figure out how to use a Mac. I'll probably use my dad's until I buy one. Mike
  12. It's just that in two of my programs that deploy to multiple targets, the methodology is so convoluted, almost no one can figure it out. Especially for Android. I don't own a Mac any longer, so that one will be much harder. So the Mac Mini is the least expensive of the Macs? Too bad you cannot use an iPad! I do have Visual Studio and Eclipse, so Android deployment will be very possible. Mike
  13. I used to own a Mac Mini but gave it to my Dad due to NEVER using it. Hmmm. I really have to re-think this. Not sure if I want to spend the $$$ and cannot use it for IOS deployment anyway unless I own a Mac. Is it a 1-button deployment or is there a complicated list of things you have to do (for both IOS and Android) to deploy? Mike
  14. Very nice. I downloaded the free app and its adorable. I'll have to buy this for my son. Thank you. Now I know it can be done. Now, can you deploy to IOS with just Lua scripting? Same with Android? Mike
  15. I will likely buy the main app for $200 in the next few days, but cannot afford to buy the IOS and Android deployment modules yet. Will they remain $99 for owners of Leadwerks 2 or will they go up in price on May 1st? What will the retail price e for everything after May 1st? No one was able to eer tell me if they ported anything successfully to IOS or Android yet. Mike
  16. Let me ask this another way. Has anyone who bought the IOS and Android deploy modules exported their game to either and played it? Did it look good? Did it play well? Was it easy to do or a pain in the backside? Any example at all? Even the demo project that comes with the trial. Surely there has to be someone who exported something to a mobile platform by now! Mike
  17. But I can use Lua (and have to learn it) to create games, right? I do not need to know or use ANY C++? I sure hope not. If C++ is needed, then i'm out - that's the deal killer for me. Mike
  18. Both of these instruct you on how to compile for c++ I do not program in c++, is there any other language I can use for Leadwerks 3? Leadwerks 2 worked with BlitzMax. Mike
  19. Before I commit to buying the engine and IOS/Android upgrades, I need to see that it's working. I am done buying engines that never go anywhere. I own many, many engines that could not be used for their intended purpose due to bugs, incomplete features, etc. At this point, I want to witness a IOS and Android game that can actually be played before I invest MORE hard earned money on ANY engine. So far, the only engines I have seen working 3D games on IOS and Android is Unreal, Unity and Shiva. The latter barely working because the way in which you have to compile to Android is so convoluted and filled with bugs it almost does not work. I've seen ONE game made with Shiva that works on Android. Unity, as we all know, works just fine but is VERY expensive if you want to sell something. Unreal, even more. If Leadwerks actually works on mobile devices, it would almost be revolutionary. Could someone point me to one - even if it's the same demo that ships with Leadwerks 3 beta? Thanks. Mike
  20. What if users provided demos to you guys - would you use them if they showed off good qualities of the engine? I have yet to upgrade from LE2.5 to Leadwerks 3, but plan on it. I think it would be very wise of you to offer incentives to us loyal users of your engine for creating assets and demos - such as earning free deployments for a quality demo (Android, IOS, etc). I know I would work my *** off to create a kick butt demo if I knew doing so would save me $100 or $200 on upgrades/deployment options. The reason I loved Blitz 3D and Dark Basic Pro was the bazillion demos they provided - especially to show off the code structures. For that reason alone you should release small, but good, demos - to show off the various engine's abilities and examples of how to code for it. Mike
  21. Some of the best games in the world use physics: - Angry Birds - World of Goo - Osmos and almost every other endearing 2D game to top the charts use physics - Most 3d FPS and 3rd Person shooters employ physics one way or another. - Almost all driving games depend on physics for realistic driving motion - Almost any underwater game or submarine simulator relies on physics - Flight simulators, dogfighting games and space games all use physics Other than that, I just cannot think of much else that uses physics??? Mike
  22. The most impressive LE2 demo was by far the island demo - simply gorgeous! Not available right now. Mike
  23. I have a new project coming up and I need to decide the best engine for the job. Right now, it's between Visual3D.net and Leadwerks 2/3. Before I commit to Leadwerks 3, i'd like to know if roads and vehicle simulation will be possible. Thanks. Mike
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