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  1. dreamhead

    Summer Events

    man the gorillza ar EPICE
  2. if you like this atmosphere just wait till our real horror game (project) is finnished
  3. ow thx guys for al the very nice comments
  4. thx man glad you like it.
  5. if dint't know better i would think is this a cod2 map.nice work ,i really hope to reach your lvl one day mate
  6. and maybe that speedtree can be plugin for leadwerks?for a good price of course
  7. this what indie gaming is all about,great interview josh
  8. no it really matters how many viewport you have ,it can make or break your lvl depending on your viewports,you can ask every artist the will tell you the same thing
  9. WAT!!?? no 4 viewports?ar you kinding me josh ,every artist needs to have a good view of what he is making and certainly at rather complex scene. it is like if you took ruler from a architect he then can never make a good blueprint. so please josh reconsider this, it wil have great a inpact for al 3d artists that use your engine
  10. yeah a better material editor with be nice idd
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