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Everything posted by Athos

  1. If you've heard that hundreds of times then you've read hundreds of times that the release of leadwerks3 in the end of summer was just an estimate... Also, if Josh asks $1000 for the upgrade you still could be saving a lot of money because the LE3 itself could cost $1500 or even more...
  2. As far as I know, it's impossible to do GI with shaders, if the scene is static (no moving objects) your best option is to bake a rendered map with GI information.
  3. Athos

    shadow distance

    Have you tried this? EntityShadowMode and there's also another command: SetShadowDistance
  4. Interesting... which renderer are you using to bake the lighting? Just for curiosity... how many textures do you have so far?
  5. I've been reading few things in leadwerks wiki and it's pretty well documented... I'll buy this engine today or tomorrow, so... The ifsoGUI didn't work, duplicate identifier error...
  6. Hello again, I was looking for a good GUI library to be used in BlitzMax and came across with this http://www.ifsogui.com/, it looks it has all features I need, but will I be able to use it with leadwerks?
  7. Greetings! My First post here and I must say the current engine LE2 is amazing! I've been trying it out in the last couple of days and it seems to be really powerful engine. (I also tried some other engines with mind blowing features but didn't like them) I'm about to buy the engine but I have a few questions about it: 1- The only thing that I didn't like it so much is the current way the engine handles the shadowmaps, you can see the difference between a 'near shadow' and a 'mid away shadow', so is a "perspective shadow map projection" being considered for the next release of the engine? 2- Will LE3 have support for blitzMax as well?
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