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  1. Very cool how you have implemented this. I remember a thread we had a few years ago talking about these possibilities. Glad you were able to work through the obstacles.
  2. Does the "spring" slider joint have any dampening when the wheel is being pushed up? If it doesn't you are going to need to add another slider joint to act as a shock or you are going to have a lot of bounce. Just as in real life if your car had no shocks.
  3. tournamentdan

    Next Steps

    Josh, you should check out a open source steering and other cool things they call Smart Body. It's from a few years ago but could give you some great ideas. It's also from USC so maybe you know them. http://smartbody.ict.usc.edu
  4. I am in Puerto Rico right now away from my computer. Let me head home and I can send you several.
  5. It also means that on the content creator side(for pbr). It is about a hundred times easier to create good art.
  6. tournamentdan


    Nice. I thought they were going to keep it with lumberyard. Interesting option.
  7. tournamentdan


    I think there is, but its through their game engine.
  8. Didn't you use a geometry shader to create the instances? If so can't we just use the invocation value to identify the single instance?
  9. A couple things to remember here. If you are going to have a lot of characters moving about. You would be best suited by creating an LOD system for them. It would help out tremendously. Reducing shadow quality can help. Also, the end goal for your games fps should be around 60. Game development usually consists of building the world. Then finding ways for it to perform around 60 fps.
  10. Yes and this is where a LOD system would work great.
  11. Disable the shadows on the crawler and see what the difference is when it moves. I have mentioned this year's ago. But shadows do not need updated every frame. Josh not to long ago you mentioned that physics did not need updated as much as it was because people could not notice the difference. Same as shadows. They only need to be updated 3 to 5 times per second. Not every frame.
  12. These instructions are are from a while ago but, it gives you the basic idea and principles. http://developer.reallusion.com/whitepaper/Maya_Template/index.html
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