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Everything posted by tournamentdan

  1. I think all programmers would rather do thins in code. Sometimes outside apps can make things a lot easier. The guy in the tut fractured the collum in less than 2 mins. Can you do that in code?
  2. And do not forget that the store is there for the people that can do these things so that they can offer items to the people that can not do this stuff
  3. Did you watch the tut. That I posted. I am banking on you making LE3 easy. But if a end user can not use appex fracture tool then they will not be able to use LE3. D
  4. I am guessing that in those videos since they made everything destructible they could not give the detail that you would like. Check out this tutorial for it and you can see that you can get the detail that you want. Looks quite easy and I just applied to get it.
  5. Not only the cost to the seller but it is a bad idea for a software company to use pay pal because of the refund policy. You the buyer could pay and download then get a refund and have it for free. Edit: sorry carlb, missed your second part.
  6. I like the idea for the filter. Blender has something similar for tools but not for objects. Blender has a outliner which can get cluttered with objects. I think it would be a good idea to include a search filter like blender for tools. With blender you have hot keys and the gui can get a little confusing, but if you forget where something is all you have to do is hit space bar and search for it, and presto.
  7. Yep, sorry. Your right I was not thinking. Not much is rendered in blender editor.
  8. Very nice. The resizable view ports kind of remind me of how the new version blender does it. I wonder how blender redraws so well as you resize? I have had pretty heavy scenes and was not to hard on the card.
  9. I love how when they stop they sway back and forth a bit. Good physics! B)
  10. I believe that the collada export in blender is still bugged. Export as fbx and then use the fbx to gmf converter in the tools panel as cassius and Rekindled Phoenix said earlier.
  11. I think the problem is that you are still using blender 2.49 or under which I believe had problems exporting fbx,dae and or collada. It may be time to upgrade to 2.58. The learning curve is not that bad and there is about two thousand free tuts on youtube.
  12. I believe in LE3 the model formats will be automatically converted. What ever happened to Lazlo's middlewerks? Was that lost in the back up?
  13. So the transaction fee is not included in the thirty percent?
  14. I like the direction you are taking this engine and community. I think it will create large opportunities for the LE community.
  15. Yeah I really do not like how most people have set up royalties. I myself would not mind a one time royalty fee if my game made x amount of dollars. In the future I would like to provide custom characters for indie developers and prices can be at $1,500 and up for CUSTOM characters and most small developers would not be able to afford that much for one character. So I think I might charge say $300 to $500 up front and if your game grosses $100,000 then have a one time $1,200 to $1,000 royalty fee. I like the paid update. Maybe even offer it like a add-on features. People could pick and choose what features they want and would be charged accordingly. Although I am sure you would like to create as much value as possible.
  16. I think a lot of people forget that some of those engines that are free at first made a great deal of money before giving those types of licenses out. If Josh had used the same license when he started out he would have made $00.00 money so far and the engine would of no doubt been abandoned a while ago. Unless Josh is independently wealthy and likes doing this stuff for free. When I first got into this stuff I was against royalty fees, but it may be the only way to keep the initial price affordable. I certainly do not mean 25% like one of those other engines.
  17. I do not see a anything wrong with the newer oildrum. They are rusty and it is more realistic without the specular set to high. It would be different if the oildrum looked new.
  18. tournamentdan

    Dat Cave

    Looks kind of scary!
  19. Or you could use a nice affordable mo-cap like . I do own this but have not used it.
  20. Will there be a section in the forum for merchants to answer any questions or help with problems?
  21. Sorry, I missed that you said single quad.(I must need glasses) It would be nice to reduce the file size of each model down to that extreme low but is not very practical to start each model out a single plane. If we could, sure we would be able to load a very large amount of objects into a map but, you can over tessellate a object. When I say this I do not necessarily mean the whole object, but sections of that model. You would not be able to make human figure from a single cube because were the arms,legs,head would try to tessellate and extend out would create way to many small triangles in that area. For instance a tess factor of 3 will give you 13 triangles for every single triangle. So it can get out of hand quickly and I believe that the hardware likes each triangle to be at least 8 pixels. If we could tessellate every object we can reduce memory greatly and which help speed things up a bit. Would LE2 be any faster if you only had to load the lowest LOD?
  22. You and most people on this site are at least ten times smarter than me. Most of this stuff I learn as I go. So I mostly trust and go by things that you and others say. My job takes me away from home weekly so I do not have a lot of time to learn this stuff. I can only go by the things that I read. So please inform me if the stuff that I am finding on the wonderfull world wide web is just a load of ****. I am a little confused on how you are going to use tessellation in LE3. The only way I can see to benefit from it is to use distance adaptive tessellation. With out this, tessellation is useless. Yes the speed will be the same(because you are rendering the same amount of ploys) but if you use distance adaptive tessellation you lower the detail far from the camera and add it close. So the real detail will be so much better up close. I was under the impression that you could cull with tessellation. Here is a pic of page 47 of the first link on post number six. And page 48. And one from the 2010 GDC. Again you and others here do this stuff every day so I do apologize if I am miss understanding the info that I take in.
  23. For one do not erase a pic that I provide for info. It is not like it has anything to do with any competitor of yours. Of coarse they compared tessellation to the worst most inefficient method, because no matter what you do with a normal or bump map or any way that you try to cheat. It will not be as good as high detail. Meaning high polygon. That is why they compared high poly terrain to tessellated terrain. And they did not add the displacement to both terrain. Sure it may lie a little about the total memory but then on the other hand they did not add normal maps or any texture. All that matters is both have the same detail. Which is better?
  24. Here is a nice tutorial on implementing tessellation from GDC 2010. Edit:: Here is another link to The GDC 2010 talking about performance.
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