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Everything posted by tournamentdan

  1. The location of each instance will be known right? I mean the instances will not be randomly placed on the terrain as the player walks through the map
  2. Josh, may I suggest that you use the bone rig for characters from the motion capture suit that you bought. I do not have mine yet but there are a few people here that have bought it and we could provide good quality cheap animations.
  3. When you uv unwrap the model. You can create seams around where the mouth would go. Then in game with code switch out each texture of the desired mouth shape.
  4. We have talked a little about this before. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8857-leadwerks-31-framerate-low/page__st__40#entry83897 Isn't every frame a bit much?
  5. Josh, are you still updating shadows every single frame?
  6. You could use a larger bounding box. Any terrain physics mesh inside the bounding box gets tessellated. Any outside goes back to low poly mesh.
  7. I wouldn't use tessellation for the entire physics mesh. I am only talking about close to the character controller. Sort of like updating nav mesh around certain objects.
  8. Wouldn't it be a good idea to use tessellation for the walkable area of the terrain physics shape also? If this is not done along with the terrain. Feet,tires, even a whole character in the lying down position will get hidden or hover over the terrain.
  9. Looks great. I am really glad you decided to go this route. I know my answers to about everything has been tesselation but it really is the best way to get the most amount of polygons close to the camera. And that is what counts most. Are you going to give us the ability to change the tesselation factor based on the distance to the camera? Also can't wait for you to get decals working. This also works great for damage or wounds.
  10. tournamentdan


    Yes. And that is what a tesselation shader is for.
  11. tournamentdan


    Yes this would be easy to do since each invocation has it's own ID value in opengl.
  12. tournamentdan


    You do not need to have an output as much as 255 vertices. A tree model could be generated by a smaller primative with a geometry shader then use a tesselation shader to use as an LOD from the distance to camera.
  13. Nobody asked for a UI with more buttons. Only short cut hot keys. Anytime you have to move the mouse and click a widget it is a waste of time. The default UI in blender was made that way for a reason. Blender has thousands of features. They try to make a lot features visible in the default UI so you can get familiar with them so you a not learning everything completely new for each stage of modeling,animating,texturing,game engine,etc.... The UI in blender is completely customizable. If you don't like something about the UI you can just take it out. Most people try to learn on their own and fail miserably. My best advice is to pay for some of the good tutorials on blender cookie. After all the application is free. And if you are having more problems understanding. You can probably find anything you want to find on YouTube for free.
  14. For me, since you can't instance csg's I would only use csg's to block out a level for the concept phase of game creation. And then move on to regular mesh models that can be instanced or use geometry shaders to create or delete models to help cut back on the entity count.
  15. I used to use a flow graph that was pretty good with organizing the clutter. They called them portals. Just a different name for a call script function. Cleans up things pretty well. And as for the arguments. I would make it so that when you click on the argument node a dialog box would pop up for that one argument. In the dialog box you could set true or false, check variables or files, and call script. Maybe if you double clicked on the argument it would zoom you to the associated scripts with that argument.
  16. Shroud is a third party middleware that can be integrated with c++. They have a free version and paid. http://www.cloak-works.com/
  17. How many triangles does one of the exteriors and roof have?
  18. And no one is forcing you to act like a two year old. FunnyFuse Faves: Boy Tantrum:
  19. All you have been able to do is complain and bash in every thread you have started or added to. It is unhealthy to the community's progress and it is unhealthy to your progress as a developer. It might be time for you to take the outlook of the glass is half full instead of the glass is half empty mentality. I have had my disagreements and arguments with Josh but, I have never trolled every other thread to basically throw a tantrum. If your having this many problems with the product, move on. If your worried about the money. Write it off as a loss on your taxes. @everyone else Please excuse me for being truthful. Obviously the truth hurts.
  20. If you were a knight, I bet your name would be Sir bitchalot. Time to get over it and move on.
  21. And don't forget Fortran. It was the fastest language you know. Ahhh.. the good old days.
  22. A material and a image based texture are two different things. If you uv unwrapped your model while in cycles render mode and used a image texture format that also works in Leadwerks, it should work. If you have a model that does not have a image based texture and you instead created materials using cycles nodes. It will not work. Unless you uv unwrap your model and bake a texture of your materials to a image based texture format that Leadwerks supports. Like .png. I have not been able to use leadwerks or the exporter for a while. Just due to being busy. Something may be wrong with the exporter. Try exporting to fbx and bring it into leadwerks that way.
  23. Cycles renders light completely different from most other render engines. Especially real time engines. Because of this, the cycles materials can only be used in cycles. However, you can now bake textures in the cycles renderer.
  24. You deleted parts of your original post. Where you compared to a character from a game that had 150,000 polygons. In which you were implying that a character that has less polygons would be cheaper. If your going to edit your post. At least show that you edited it. And what correction and or changes you made.
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