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Everything posted by tournamentdan

  1. Yes, you can not use tesselation untill josh implements the new renderer. But there is plenty to be done before then. I do not know about automatic. Tesellation will be handled in a shader. You with code will have to specify level of tesselation and distance from camera. The way I decribed will allow you to increase/decrease poly count in a specific local area instead of across the whole area. If you plan to use the "automatic" tesellation with your method you will have to do all that picking and checking every frame or at least many times per second since every time the camera moves, more or less vertice will be created or deleted. Good luck with your prodject.
  2. Your terrain mesh would have to be extremly high in poly count or it is going to be blocky around where you flatten. So your game will not crawl at 3 fps you will need a normal terrain poly count and then somehow add vertice around where your buildings are. Oh yeah, I guess you could tesselate. Which will most likely be easier than your above method.
  3. Using a decal is not complicated. Tesselating a displacement map is not complicated. Doing a ray cast is not complicated. What is complicated is just flatening mesh in a realistic manner.
  4. You should be able to create a displacement map of the size of the flat area you need for a building. Then use the displacement map as a decal, then tesselate the terrain. Although nav mesh is now not dynamic. So they will not match. It would be a nice feature if we could update the nav mesh with a specified distance from a ray-cast.
  5. I think we are going to lose this feature. Not sure if we could have dynamic nav mesh zones so it could help speed up large terrain.
  6. You do not need to click on the move or rotate buttons with your mouse. There are short cuts. First click the object you want to move, scale, or rotate. Then if you want to rotate that object once selected hit the "r" (r=rotate) on the key board. After you hit "r" you can also select which axis you want to rotate on. So hit "r" then "x" or "y" or "z". The axis can be global or local. Same goes for the other transform short cuts. In blender the word "grab" is the same as move. So if you want to move a vertex or object hit "g". Hit "s" if you want to scale. The short cuts in blender will make things go a lot faster.
  7. The sapling add on in blender works well but, not very good for games or close up for a video render. It generates a good bit of polys. Mainly in the leaves. That is not so bad because you could easily randomly select the leaf planes and delete two thirds of the planes created (for games). Then scale the rest (planes) larger.However, when the planes are generated they are not generated compared to the origin of the branch. Meaning if you plan to use only a few textures for the leaf planes, they will not all be facing the correct way. Many will have to be rotated. I would use the Sapling add on for games or cut scenes, but I would model my own leaf planes.
  8. I think Flexman was thinking of somthing different than simply tesselating terrain. What if you were to use a displacement map as a decal to tesselate a bomb crater? Once the crater was made the physics mesh would not be anywhere close.You would some how have to tesselate the physics mesh also.
  9. Something like the video below would be incredible.
  10. I never thought that farmers dreamed to become practical and realistic. Problem is this topic was closed before he even started programming Leadwerks 3.
  11. Practical and realistic is fine if all you ever want to do is to be like all the others. I will not allow myself to plan for mediocrity.
  12. While this is absolutely true. If all you ever tell your self is that you can not accomplish something. You certainly will not.
  13. I will not be fooled by comments like this any more.
  14. You did. And not long after you promised, you created a console section in the forum that was private. I knew I should have screen captured that post. I would not still be here. I said in the "port to xbox" topic that support for the consoles was a make or break feature for me. You then said you were going to support them.
  15. Yes, this is common knowledge. But what if we develop our game first. And then that game turns out to be kick ***. We then try to get a dev kit with that said kick *** game. If the consoles like the kick *** game. We the developers would have to find another engine.(because you refuse to support them) Learn that engine. Develop the kick *** game on that new engine. All of which will take more time and more money. It seems to work good for a other engine. Why not you?
  16. In the " port to xbox " topic from a little over a year ago. And now that entire topic is mysteriously missing.
  17. This is the reason it would be so much easier for a Indie if you supported the two largest game platforms in the world. A developer could invest their time and money into making the best game they can make. Instead of spending money and time that they most likely do not have trying to get a dev kit. You have already promised to support the two consoles and now it looks like you are pulling back from that promise also. And what do you have in mind that would be better than a billion dollar market?
  18. You have obviously disliked the consoles for sometime because of their "quality control"measures. Let me ask you a question. What is the difference between their selective process and you not wanting to allow people to create an add on for your editor?
  19. I guess this is not really definitive. Sure sounds positive though. http://www.develop-online.net/news/43355/Denny-PS4-will-support-indies#comments
  20. First off Ken, lose the attiude. You are always the first person in a conversation to get your panties in a twist. I was not being rude or condescending. Simply just replying to your post thus using your name Ken. Twice in a whole floppin paragraph. Everyone knows that there are many hoops to jump through when it comes to geting their game on a console. I am just trying to point out that it would be extremely easier for Indies to get on the consoles if an engine supported them Ken.
  21. I have had this debate here before and the thing about it Ken is. If Leadwerks or any engine supported the consoles, you as a developer would not need to be registered before you built your games. A hobbyist or Indies could build their games not worrying about which OS they were going to port to. Let's just say Ken when you are done with your game. And what if it was good enough to be on PlayStation or xbox? Wouldn't it be nice if your game was good enough you could have the option to port your game to one or both of those consoles so you could meet with them to get approved. And even if they do not approve you. At least you did not need to waste all of that time to port your game to that one console or money to be registered. I hate to name engine names, but you do not see PlayStation or xbox trying to sue or shut down cryengine. Yet in theory, you could develop a game for windows then if good enough easily port to consoles. Consoles are just like any other company. They like to make money. And they will gladly make money off of you.
  22. I myself am fine with this. People for some reason keep trying to compair the le2 renderer to what the high end renderer will be for Leadwerks 3. The high end rederer for le3 will not be equal to le2. It will be better. Thus the upgrade. Updates are for bug fixes and are free. Upgrades are for new or better features. Which are not free. Simple as that.
  23. I think you will find it easier to mark your own seams. Especially if it is not a true cylinder. (Meaning same shape and size from one end to the other). The cylinder unwrap script can get confused sometimes.
  24. Its not a member of leadwerks. Because of the identical comments on kickstarter and the name I am pretty sure it is this guy. http://www.kickstarter.com/profile/782996964
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