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Everything posted by tournamentdan

  1. tournamentdan


    Unreal engine 3 supports tessellation. I am guessing thats how it is done in that video and most likely the only way to get exactly what you want.
  2. That is a great point Pixel. I am sure it could get to that point if the game was popular enough. Movies do it. I wonder how much GM paid to get their whole line of cars in the Transformer movies?
  3. Yeah, that's a great idea. Everyone could write a short bio on the game they want to do.They could show some concept art for where they want to go and give little updates on progress.
  4. I just recently purchased Driver-San Francisco. I did like the concept of the game, but it reminded me on how I like to race around and crash into things. I think I finally decided that I would like to make a Driver/GTA type of game. The only problem that I was coming up with was that I could not afford to pay to license thirty different cars and I did not want to make a bunch of cars that nobody has seen before. So I did a little research. I did not know that recently the supreme court sided with video game companies and ruled that video games have Freedom of speech rights. If you would like to read the full pdf of the ruling I will post at the bottom. Here is a quick quote. I did a little more digging to try and find just what my rights could be and I found this article. Although I might not like a lot of what EA has done in the past, I am sure glade that there are big studios out there that have enough money to fight these things in court. So what does this all mean after you have read the above article. It means there are still some gray areas. It seams that if your game focuses on one licensed product or is centralized in one area, you still need to license the copyrighted object. Like EA's "Need For Speed" game. It only focuses on driving the cars and that is why EA still license all the cars in "Need For Speed". But if the object is only a small part and you do not really focus on it.( Like in Battle Field3)You will not have to license it. Which is why EA is fighting the helicopter manufacturer. So with this in mind I am now planning my Driver/GTA type game. I have decided it will have lots of plot to it and hopefully it will have plenty of excitement to it. Below is a few pictures of a early "wip" of a 65 Shelby GT-350R that I started in the last hour. Link to court ruling pdf.http://edge-cache.kotaku.com/kotaku/pdf/08-1448.pdf
  5. I like that one. You should copyright it
  6. And here is a boulder type face.
  7. I think he is looking for more of a rock face(Although I like what pixel came up with) on a hill side or cliff. The following took me less than three minutes to make. It's not the big boulder that rick likes but I just wanted to make like a rock face. I first started out with one rock like shape. I then duplicated the rock then rotated,scaled, and altered the duplicates a few time creating a pattern. I then duplicated that again to make a larger pattern. And again. Which quickly created a little over 34,000 triangles. Obviously I could have taken a bit more time on this to make it look better. Just wanted to show that it is pretty easy. And do not forget that after you would finish the rock face you would have to re-topo and make one clean mesh.
  8. Yes now that the mesh is in the WOW game it is one clean mesh. But I think you are going to find to get it exactly the way you want it you would have to do it with separate models. Then use topology tools and create the nice and clean mesh. I know it sounds harder than it actually is. You would only have to create a few different boulder shape rocks. First you would make your terrain level the way you want it. Then take a boulder and place it partly through the mesh. You could actually only create one boulder then just duplicate then alter a little differently. You are going to want to start at the top of the cliff and work your way down to get it like they do. After you place all the boulders in the terrain mesh. Then you would re-topo and make a cleaner mesh. Sorry I can not help you get it done in LE, but I think you will find to get it exactly the way you want it, yo will have to do it this way.
  9. My bad. Well then I do not know. It may not be able to create the terrain the way you like.
  10. There are a few different ways you could achieve this. I do not know what type of modeling program you use. The only one I use is blender so I can only point you in the direction of blender tuts. http://cgcookie.com/blender/2011/03/01/tip-using-the-ant-landscape-add-on/ This one may take some playing around with but it could get you there. http://cgcookie.com/blender/2010/04/06/tip-adding-extra-detail-with-a-displace-modifier/ Same, some playing around. http://cgcookie.com/blender/2010/06/05/sculpting-a-rock-face/ This is a pretty good one using sculpting in blender. To get exactly what you want would take a bit more sculpting. P.S. Do not forget that after all that sculpting you would have to retopo the terrain.
  11. I think I have to agree with macks earlier post that decals should be copied. I personally think that decals are going to be a major factor with the tesselation coming in the next engine.
  12. Actually it is a better idea to seperate the meshes especially when weighing to the bones. Example: When you want to weight the teeth and gums to a bone it is much easier to have them as a separate mesh so you can just select the teeth and gums. Instead of you trying to hide the cheeks and lips on a different layer just so you can select the underlying mesh. Also I think it would be a good idea to have separate meshes in game. That way you could change a texture in game with code. Like change eye color or what not.
  13. I found a similar problem although it was a while ago. http://forums.create.msdn.com/forums/p/4665/24064.aspx Right now I am extremely busy with remodeling my house, but maybe in a couple of weeks I could make some facial animations for you. I have motion capture software that works nice. That is if you do not need it right now. Edit: Fixed link
  14. It sounds like the head needs to be re-weight painted to the bones. Although I am kind of confused with the five meshes. Are you sure this head animations are driven by bones, because it kind of sounds like morphs.
  15. 10k is not bad. Leadwerks can handle that. With my characters I have reduced my top two LODs a good amount. The highest is right around 7,500. The second highest is about 5,000. The only difference between the two are the heads. The body's are the same, but for the top LOD I gave the head 2,500 more tris for facial animation.
  16. How many triangles is your G Man?
  17. Why would you find this incredible to be done in blender. Blender is probably the easiest of 3d modeling programs to learn and you can pretty much search anything you want to learn on youtube and find a tutorial on how to do it.
  18. I think that this might be easier if and when we get tessellation in the next engine because then you could place weathered decals on your models.
  19. I thought we allready had a long conversation about that company. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3302-animation-apps/page__view__findpost__p__30338 Besides, you are going to run into the same problem and only be able to use their high priced animations. If you are looking for an easy way to rig a character Blender has a rig allready made. All you have to do is scale your model to the same size as the rig and click a button to weight the bones. You most likey will have to touch up around the crouch,hips and armpits.In all around 20 minutes. There are thousands of free .bvh clips out there.
  20. Yes as they have said this really is not going to work. Think as if the bone rigs are different formats. Like FBX,3ds,obj,x. Each artist may name each bone differently or have a different amount of bones all together. They only way that you could get a animation to work on all models is if you use one bone rig for all. Maybe you could talk to Zaphos and he could sell you just the bone rig. Then of coarse you would have to weight paint the other models with Zaphos's bone rig. I do not know what modeling program Zaphos uses. But if I were him I would use the human bone rig from blender. That way everyone could just erase the bones from the other models and use the blender rig. It is pretty easy. ALTHOUGH most likely the artist that made the other models do not allow you to alter their product. That way you have buy their animations.
  21. Why would you expect a person or company to fully support multiple languages? If you look around , most other engines only support one language and most of the time it is their own. The forum is to be used for support for other than c++. Maybe we could get Josh to create a Leadwerks syntax. Then there could be 101 different languages to support.
  22. RAR is easy. That is the sound a lion makes. Or a drunk pirate
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