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  1. Has someone heard anything from Franck2000 ?
  2. When i export from blender to fbx is always no material when using the fbxtoGmf tool like <NONE>. Only way for me is exporting as obj. There is a checkbox for "materials" . Strange - cant understand why FBX exporting is not working here for me.
  3. Cannot find any description about setting up the LOD Distances - by the lua or in the config file. LOD´s in my vegetation works and is to setup easily in terrain/vegetation properties. Can you help my please - need it just for the models i´m putting into the scene. It seems there is a "standard" distance, but in some cases i have to setup closer or farer.
  4. Seems to be a driver problem. Had a similar bug as i couldn´t see the alpha in texture, so i saw nothing. Waited just for a next driver update - it might help
  5. As it seems wilderness environment is going in a more certain playable direction. I used now parallax mapping, which is a good compromise to fake displacements. Also i increased texture resolutions in foreground now
  6. ..some detail added to trees.
  7. Some screens of the prototype from a moody, maybe fabulous environment. Wanna have a lot of space and many vegetation-objects. Frames are great so i could concentrate now on more types of trees, further details in foreground like rotten stumps, branches and other gnarly matter. Wanna reach an including atmosphere - life breathing audio-visual environment. Next step will be a more deeply instruction to LUA (i´m generally new to coding) - to develop scripted, environment depending AIs for example animal classes. Simple a wolf class, deerlike´s, an eaglelike and a few fishs in some tarns. all the best
  8. yeah a new catalyst driverupdate fixed my problem - i can see now billboards
  9. todays new amd driver update does not help to get right working billboards - the billboardplanes appears all without alphamask (bb-texture i can see) maybe its a bug of my radeon saphire HD 7800 ... Lotsof thanks to josh for this fantastic engine - simple awesome
  10. + the same modeltree with billboard works on other graphic card - maybe its a bug caused of my amd driver sorry for my english
  11. +also i have a billboard material and in the material editor - the material is looking right - with alpha
  12. Hello if i enable the billboard option - i got a billboard, but with no alpha masking - just a black plane with the billboard texture... hmm - dont know how to fix it - also the standard spruce is showing a non alpha billboard... would be great if somebody can help !
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