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Everything posted by Soamp

  1. FSR company will attend the Tehran Game Expo 2011 with Death Statue Game. The first Tehran game expo & festival will be held from Apr. 28th to May 2nd 2011 in the conference hall of Milad Tower, Tehran by the Computer Game National Foundation. more information to come …
  2. FSR company will attend the Tehran Game Expo 2011 with Death Statue Game. The first Tehran game expo & festival will be held from Apr. 28th to May 2nd 2011 in the conference hall of Milad Tower, Tehran by the Computer Game National Foundation. more information to come …
  3. FSR company will attend the Tehran Game Expo 2011 with Death Statue Game. The first Tehran game expo & festival will be held from Apr. 28th to May 2nd 2011 in the conference hall of Milad Tower, Tehran by the Computer Game National Foundation. more information to come … Source
  4. Hi, you can use something like this require("scripts/utilities") ... local pick=CameraPick(fw.main.camera,Vec3(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2,2.0),0,0) if pick then local pickedmodel=GetMeshModel(pick.entity) objecttable[pickedmodel]:open() end
  5. Hi, I post this on "Bug Tracker" before but I didn't get any kind of response in last 2 weeks so I'm gonna post it here too. would you guys take a look at this. thanks in advance: We have a problem with animating our character. The description is quite long, I apologize in advance. We use LUA. We have a GMF file which is the T-Stand of our character. This file contains the character's mesh. We also have several GMF files, they don't have any mesh. They only consist of our character's motion. Let me give you a for instance : We have a file named "Characters_Jasem.gmf" which is attached. It contains the mesh. And a file named "Motion_Bot_Ak47_run.gmf" which is attached too and only contains the hierarchy and the "Run" motion. We load our character's mesh like this : charmesh=LoadMesh("abstract::Characters_Jasem.gmf") then We use LoadAnimation command like this : animseq=LoadAnimation(charmesh,"abstract::Motion_Bot_Ak47_run.gmf") LoadAnimation returns sequence number of the loaded animation. then we use this to animate the character : Animate(charmesh, object.frame,object.blend,animseq, true) We calculate frame and blend like this : object.frame = object.frame+(AppTime()-object.lastframetime)/25 object.frame = math.fmod(object.frame, object.frameend-object.framestart) object.lastframetime=AppTime() object.blend=Curve(1,object.blend,40) Everything is OK in general, this works fine on nVidia graphic cards. But on ATI cards, the character's leg get disapear suddenly. Same leg, from the exact same bone, everytime! I attached two pics which show the problem. We check this on several ATI card , all of them have the exact same problem. Correct character : Character with hidden leg : We have been working on it for a long time til we just found the problem goes away when we use Animate command like this : Animate(charmesh, object.frame,1,animseq, true) We replaced "object.blend" with "1" (we dont use motion blending) and everythig is OK, on both nVidia and ATI cards. But our motions changes very suddenly and it looks terrible! Would you take a look at this? thanks. GMF Files.rar
  6. Hi, I'm trying to do the same thing in LUA. abstraction of my code is something like this : I create a new world and camera : FSRfw={} FSRfw.top={} local wrld=CurrentWorld() FSRfw.top.world=CreateWorld() SetWorld(FSRfw.top.world) FSRfw.top.camera=CreateCamera() CameraClearColor(FSRfw.top.camera,Vec4(0,0,0,1)) CameraClearMode(FSRfw.top.camera,BUFFER_DEPTH) SetWorld(wrld) loading a model in new world : SetWorld(FSRfw.top.world) object.test=LoadModel("abstract::Environment_CharityBox.gmf",model) SetWorld(fw.main.world) and it's my rendering loop: while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do fw:Render() local wrl=CurrentWorld() SetWorld(FSRfw.top.world) SetEntityMatrix(FSRfw.top.camera,GetEntityMatrix(fw.main.camera)) ClearBuffer(BUFFER_DEPTH) RenderWorld() SetWorld(wrl) fw:Update() wrl=CurrentWorld() SetWorld (FSRfw.top.world); UpdateWorld( AppSpeed() ); SetWorld(wrl) Flip(0) end but it doesn't make any difference! it's funny! if I remove "RenderWorld()" line, my test-model renders anyway! what is wrong in my code?
  7. sorry it's a duplicate. please delete it moderator. thanks.
  8. thanks guys, I thought about moving the model to transparency world, but I need to change the alpha value in code. Can I change the transparency of a model in real time with code when it's in transparency world? you know I need texture rotating for another reason too. I'm making a minimap on corner of screen (like any FPS game). I have a big texture as game map, I show player a part of map that the player is in. I use GUI panels with alpha value of 0.0 to show the part and value of 1.0 to hide rest of the map. In most FPS games, the map rotates when character rotates, I want to do it too. so I kinda need texture rotating for this reason too. does anyone have any idea how to do it?
  9. Hi, since we cant change the shape of controller from cylinder to an Ellipsoid cylinder, FPS weapon left outside the controller and penetrates into obstacles like attached pic. Does anyone know a good way to prevent FPS weapon from going into obstacles? I was thinking, if we can render hands and weapons in another place (or even another world) and then draw them on screen. but what can we do about lights , shadows , ...? thanks in advance.
  10. Hi, How can I draw a rotated image (texture)? I cant use a 3d model parented to the camera (like the compass model) because I need alpha blending. I'm trying to make a "shot angle indicator" that draws a blood arc on screen, shows the angle that FPS character has been shot from.
  11. Hi, How can I draw a rotated image (texture)? I cant use a 3d model parented to the camera (like the compass model) because I need alpha blending. I'm trying to make a "shot angle indicator" that draws a blood arc on screen, shows the angle that FPS character has been shot from.
  12. Hi, We have an FPS player and I create an emitter (fire particles) in front of the weapon when player is shooting. sometimes we get this weird error : stack traceback: [C]: in function 'Render' [string "AliFPS.lua"]:63: in main chunk where line 63 of alifps.lua is : fw.Render() when I comment the lines that create the emitter, everything is fine and we never get this error again! did anyone face this problem before? this is how I create the emitter : SetWorld(fw.transparency.world) object.shootemitter=CreateEmitter(5,100,Vec3(0,0,0),1) object.shootemitter:SetVelocity(Vec3(0,0,0)) object.shootemitter:SetRadius(0.01,0.05) object.shootemitter:SetWaver(10) object.shootemitter:Paint(LoadMaterial("abstract::fire.mat")) object.shootemitter:SetPosition(object.shootpos,1) object.shootemitter:SetRotationSpeed(1) SetWorld(fw.main.world)
  13. Hi, I think the picked thing is mesh. I usually use 2 ways to access the model from its mesh. (in LUA actually bt I hope it helps) 1 - when I create my model I access the mesh with this command : local mymesh=GetChild(mymodel,1) then I set its Target to my model, using SetTarget command. so I can access the model from the picked mesh, with GetTarget command. 2 - There is a LUA function in "scripts\utilities.lua" called GetMeshModel. its a simple loop to get model from its mesh. I think you can use a similar code in any other language. I hope it helps.
  14. Hi, I think that the title says everything. Is there anyway to rotate a model around a point other than its gizmo (center point)? It could be in any language but LUA is better Thanks.
  15. Thanks macklebee, The problem solved with "collectgarbage(collect)" You were very helpful
  16. Is it because of my long post that there is'nt any replys or what? Did anybody even check this?
  17. Soamp


    Thanks guys He deserves it He got a lot of work from us to become a ragdoll B) We also hit him with a car for like 100 times
  18. Thanks, but it's not gonna work. Because rays are the way to check the character's heads up "whenever we want" but collisions check on every physics update. on the other hand if our charatcter's way is closed, we use some other rays to find a alternative way. with collision we have to wait for some physics update to use other rays and so on. so I think we cant use this method but thanks for your reply.
  19. Hi, We were testing our game's performance. We noticed that "Mem Usage" grows continuously until we get "Not enough memory" error. We have evaluating our codes, we found two functions that cause this problem : object.model:GetVelocity(0) and self.vehicle:GetTireMatrix(n) Did anyone notice that before? Btw. We use 2.32R5 and LUA. Here is our confirmation tests description : To confirm the cause, we performed a simple test. We use 40 oildrums. Normally the Mem Usage stays almost steady. The problem begins when we add this to oildrum's code: function object:Update() object.model:GetVelocity(0) end It's a simple update script that only runs GetVelocity function. In this simple test, Mem usage kept growing til "Not Enough Memory" showed up. I also attached our test oilrum.lua For evaluating the second function we can use the "ViperScout" vehicle. You drag a Viperscout in editor and the mem usage starts to grow. If you create more viperscouts, you can feel the mem usage growing, more obvious. Now we comment these lines in ViperScout.Lua : Line no Line --------------------------- 18 self.tire[n]:SetMatrix( self.vehicle:GetTireMatrix(n) ) 20 self.emitter[n]:SetMatrix(self.vehicle:GetTireMatrix(n)) 23 speed = math.abs(self.model:GetVelocity(0).z) we add "speed=0" after line 23 to prevent any errors. Now there is no growing in mem usage! You can create viperscouts as many as you want and the mem usage stays almost steady! I also attached our test ViperScout.lua I think these are some bugs that occur in vehicle codes. Sorry for such a long post ;-) I hope solution is short ;-) vehicle_viperscout.lua oildrum.lua
  20. Hi, In 2.32 vegetation does have physic bodies and collisions, thanks to josh. But we've a problem, we use rays in our obstacle avoidance system. It seems that rays doesnt work on trees and vegetation. Our character cant avoid trees by using rays. Also according to wiki, rays only work on terrain and meshes. Did anybody face same problem? Is there any way to solve this? Thanks.
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