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  1. very nice and working great for my project now i must find a flashing light effect for create a police car with all the effect.
  2. no info about my problem ? because begin to be annoying to export tons of time and always having this entire spinning models and no animation (for butterfly i separate wings from corps and just autokey and move wings and that working) maybe something to do with bones or something.
  3. i think the easy thing to do its to create a toon texture with a black border like making cell-shading and with alpha like the normal smoke. edit : just for fun i try one lol
  4. its possible to have sort of tutorial to explain what to do for correct export skins and animations before export in leadwerks ? Actually all my attempt give me a spinning of the entire 3d models insteed of having working animation for example i have buy a 3d models of a cow i add bones make a little animation (walk or just moving head) result in same thing the spinning model in leadwerks. So if we can have something to tell us what we can do or not for making skinning and export correct animation will be useful for lot of people. Thanks by advance (all other things work great with this tools) N.B : i use 3ds max 2009 x64 other questions by the way, long time ago i was using blender so it is more easy now for making animation with it ?
  5. for a demos he can put a limit number of conversion like they do in "right hemisphere deep exploration" or some function not available (removed function possible too).Sort of limited version of the complete product. but at least little things to test to see how its work (like leadwerks i test i love it and i buy it ^^) I wait to see more info about this tools. But sure that lot of people are interested (i'm in too) by this tools so give more infos and status update for example, features availaible etc...
  6. problem solved for my part i can work in fullscreen now thanks a lot ! having a 26 inch screen and working in a little screen was very annoying lol
  7. nice tools ! the first time you post about this LME i have not see what this LME was really but now with video i know and its great nice work !
  8. yes maybe in final product all i was testing here its the color and if leaf was correct in textures i have try with a snow star for making snow fall but snow go trough models like hut or house lol possible to add for emitter a models instedd of textures ? for example emitter will be sphere models (ball) or box or other models with a collision and with the physics all models emitted collide with physics on other models like a house or hut etc...?
  9. Farlas

    River Editor

    this is what i have begin to do last time with the road node and the waterplane mix but i have too much work with animation so i stop playing with node. by the way its nearly same as torque but yes a river with physics will be cool like follow heightmap and not have to create ourselves all the different height its only a beta and looks like good for moment.
  10. don't worry i have buy a dexsoft vegetation pack so i will make different leaf corresponding to each tree i do another thing i put color on the leaf to make autumn like the tree i have and its done good ok i show you a little preview (animating butterfly at the end in same time)
  11. i have try it too and same got error when put old tv in editor (i have the ogg) and both on 2.4 and 2.32 editor crash with old tv
  12. this is the first thing i do with a texture of a leaf in 256x256 with alpha transparency for having only leaf and change in lua the smoke.mat for my leaf.mat and all i got its a black sphere and nothing emit. if i put back smoke.mat all working i compare my dds with dds from material smoke and got same parameters. EDIT : i got it working in fact i was using the bad textures (firt time i convert i forgot to make alpha so i editing secnd time and export again but not in same folder). in attachement little video to show
  13. it is possible to have emiiter that not make smoke and can use our models 3D for example i'm trying to add a emitter for tree that make falling leaves but if i copy emitter and change all for using my gmf (just a plane with leaf textures for moment) the plane and the texture work in leadwerks but i always have the smoke in the middle of the plane. so if someone have a way to follow to make it working
  14. i use rode nodes with different textures for making dirt path , gravel and more but i must agreed that i really need some more layer cause i have planned to make a islands with differents landscape for example part of tropical part of european some ice and snow a little desert part maybe. and for different cliff and mountains.
  15. i have two computers 1 laptop and a PC and both get same error i open editor try to put in full screen editor and he crash (full clean install of 2.4) with older version i got no problem.
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