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  1. Hey guys, so I am working on some character controllers right now and I have gotten my running and sprinting and all that fun stuff and am moving forward with my 3rd person action adventure game (which will probably take forever and never get finished) NEVERTHELESS! I was thinking about implementing ledge climbing/shimmying and wall scaling and the best way to do that. Would it be possible to create custom nodes in the editor that I can place along edges kind of like the road editor and then code them for animation/gravity/button input/etc. or is this something that Josh will have to implement in the future.
  2. You know, this community gets a lot of flack on Devmaster's revieew for not being supportive or kind and that was the one thing that I was apprehensive about before purchasing. But how wrong they were. I've never had so many quick, friendly, and HELPFUL advice anywhere else, and I get around... trust me.
  3. i have gone through most of it and done a lot of stuff on my own. But I just didn't make the link as to why there would be two completely different set of coding tools (in editor and VB) but I guess it makes sense. I will get there soon. P.S when i opened the reply to this thread all I saw was your first line. I was so shocked.
  4. Okay, I am so embarrassed to have to do this. I mostly do 3d art and can program VB.net and asp.net apps. So I thought I would give making a game a try. I have gone through most of the tutorials successfully but there is one VERY simple thing I am not grasping. What is the freaking pipeline for the Leadwerks Editor? You use it to build the level and then you go back to Visual Studios using the code to load the level? I am SO sorry, I feel so stupid.
  5. It's worth every penny. You can buy the monsterBones and holy ****. I can't say enough good things about it. I haven't tried to do anything with leadwerks yet though.
  6. Like i said I didn't think it was a problem with the engine as I have made many other props and they turned out just fine. It just seemed kind of odd that this particular one was so different. I've rebuilt the mouth and seriously the result is 100x better! Now to write an SSS shader.
  7. The mesh is completely closed. My problem is with the crazy shadows on and around the mouth. When the model moves they go even crazier jumping all over the place. But i did fix it just by rebuilding the mouth geometry. It's pretty much the same I guess just smoother. Strange.
  8. Right now i'm only using diffuse. I wanted to make sure that would work first. I've been searching for tutorials on this material editor for sometime now, no such luck.
  9. It must be, because when I turn down the lights REALLY low, it looks quite nice. I checked my texture levels and they are normal, Having said that when I turn the lights up the shadows kind of go nuts on the especially the lips.
  10. Yeah, I had everything turned off, even shadows and it still looks really strange. I mean i don't expect a game engine to render like Maya but i've seen other people's work and it does not look this bad.
  11. Hey, sorry to have to write in the general forum it seems to be the only one I can view. Anyway, I have just purchased lw 2.3 and am importing my first character into the editor. Below is the maya rendered and wireframe version of the character to demonstrate what it should kind of look like. This is how it's looking in the Editor. Is there something I am doing wrong? I made a few props and they worked just fine. I'd really appreciate any feedback. Regards, David
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