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Everything posted by ESP

  1. Smooth graphics but clicking the coloured squares seems a bit random. Robin
  2. Josk, I see nothing above???
  3. ESP

    Physic Bounciness

    Tilt to steer, tap the screen to bounce :-)
  4. ESP

    OS X 10.7

    Bugger. Looks like I need a new Mac.
  5. I have just tried to upgrade my IMac (IMac5,1) from 10.6.8 to 10.7 and it fails. I presume it is too old. Any idea what is needed in 10.7 to run Leadwerks 3? Can a created app run in 10.6.8? Robin
  6. http://www.morgancomputers.co.uk/product_detail/13878/GoClever-10-Netbook-Touch-Screen-1-0GHZ-1GB-8GB-Mini-HDMI-Android-4/#reviews Robin p.s. (£90 Android laptop)
  7. ESP

    Footstep sounds

    Strap your 'phone to your ankle, set to record and go walkabout Robin
  8. All the time I was running on windows I guess DA must have been running with my Lua on top What is the smallest Windows .exe we need to support Lua? Robin
  9. Looks like one needs to install visual studio. Problem solved... Robin
  10. So that's why I cannot create an executable. I do not have visual studio..... Robin
  11. WordStar / Turbo Pascal keys rule Robin
  12. Curious. Does that mean that I must have somehow published any windows app I created? All my code is Lua at the moment. I also am not using a map. I only installed eclipse after changing lots of DAs code. Robin Which means only the Lua changed... Sweet.
  13. That did make me laugh. :-)
  14. Windows 7 Pro. Dedicated LE machine. Ok till now. Robin
  15. Have not even installed eclipse or any android/ios Stuff. This is just plain old Leadwerks 3....
  16. As I seem to be getting nowhere in porting to Android, I decided to remove ALL traces of LE3 and Eclipse from my machine. After doing a fresh download all I get is a 'Failed to launch' error when trying to compile anything (even DA). Anyone got any ideas? Robin
  17. I thought Flash was dead and we all need HTML5 now? Plus Flash does not seem to work on Android.... Robin
  18. Context:setblendmode ?
  19. ESP


    Just tried it I notice that you no longer need (or have) to press a create button. Robin
  20. ESP


    It is still a box. Can you draw a box and then delete the sides? Robin
  21. Hi, Any chance we can get these to view off-line? Robin
  22. It would appear not to be in lua at all.....
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