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Everything posted by ESP

  1. Some of use are using Leadwerks for things other than games I have been asked for client access to our CAD systems from just about every platform. Leadwerks 3 will enable this and more. Robin
  2. They are hard to read in the Bath Robin
  3. Josh has to supply .PDF files to his printer so I would imagine we would also get those. But a printed manual really is a boon. Robin
  4. Tomorrow would be nice But while we are waiting I would still like to know what SDKs etc. we need to install to support Android and IOS.... Robin
  5. What do we need to download to create Android apps? I have a new Android tablet (Galaxy Tab 2 7.0) and would really like to get started. The same question for OSX ... Robin
  6. The big question is when?
  7. Hi Josh, Any chance of a simple executable we could try out on Android? Robin
  8. ESP

    Hang Out with Leadwerks

    The GF says that if I even go anywhere close to the PC I'm toast. LE RULES, Sorry Carol
  9. Hi both would be done with shaders. Robin
  10. I can't seem to vote. Windows (for development) OSX (for deployment) iOS AND Android High-end graphics (and multi-core) Robin
  11. ESP

    GUI Editor

    I have seen this come up so many times, but if you are really up for the task of writing a Leadwerks .app, a simple gui should be simple.
  12. ESP


    Any chance of sharing the code? Any chance of sharing the code? Robin Robin
  13. Do you really mean an O/S or a GUI for Windows? Robin
  14. Hi, Please add you system specs to your signature. Robin
  15. I set mine to show unread content, and I get three pages. Is that what you have done? Robin
  16. I was assuming Josh was not being serious Robin
  17. "Version 3 will have a pathfinding system built-in for AI. " Now I am excited Robin
  18. Hi, and welcome. I found it just takes practice Robin p.s. Save often
  19. Sign me up. It would be a pleasure to help. Robin
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