They are using mantle courtesy of AMD so they have a big leg up this time round. Opposed to writing it from scratch.
It may be sooner than 2 years to be honest as Brad Wardel at Stardock has been tweeting about DX12 and Vulkan like no ones business and how awesome it is.
EDIT: Initial specs and Implementations expected later this year
They already kinda have - Nvidia has two Systems on a Chip both come in 32 bit and 64 bit variants.
Tegra K1 and the tegra X1 both can run Opengl and DirectX if I recall correctly
Fair point - Currently working on something at the moment just need a programmer for the world gen stuff and tools that I have planned. Like I said before I am an Artist that has little knowledge of code. Just need some help
Hey Rick - Lets just hope that Milo from the Kinect promos does not come back...
Also agreed to early to say
So people I am taking to are saying that Hololens and CastAR. Could very well be the next App store.
I am curious though will leadwerks support these devices?
Microsoft Hololens - LINK
I know that Cast AR plans to distribute a C++ SDK for their hardware.
Not sure about hololens other than they will be showing more off at the build conference.
Will leadwerks support this?
Hey Josh -
I would re apply and here is why - Every Xbox Retail Console is a dev kit. They have yet to activate this feature but from what I understand they will do so very soon for Indie Devs. It will be primarily be for Indie devs.
EuroGamer - Every retail Xbox Console is a dev kit.
They are also updating policies to be more inline with their competition (Nintendo and Sony)
That said - You are probably better off contacting Nintendo or Sony to get onto their systems for the moment.
Also do you intend on supporting Microsoft hololens? I know that it was announced just a few days ago. But from the looks of it. It could be the next App store so to speak.
Sounds good and I am interested. Shoot me a PM and we can talk
I am re-installing my Operating System right now as well as tools (3DS Max, Photoshop, etc.)
I would be willing to make art for people. I have the spare time and can put the effort in to do so. Just need code to make the characters move around and such
EDIT: Also - Just a heads up I am not the best at making characters. Just saying...