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  1. They are using mantle courtesy of AMD so they have a big leg up this time round. Opposed to writing it from scratch. It may be sooner than 2 years to be honest as Brad Wardel at Stardock has been tweeting about DX12 and Vulkan like no ones business and how awesome it is. EDIT: Initial specs and Implementations expected later this year
  2. They already kinda have - Nvidia has two Systems on a Chip both come in 32 bit and 64 bit variants. Tegra K1 and the tegra X1 both can run Opengl and DirectX if I recall correctly
  3. Fair point - Currently working on something at the moment just need a programmer for the world gen stuff and tools that I have planned. Like I said before I am an Artist that has little knowledge of code. Just need some help
  4. Hey Rick - Lets just hope that Milo from the Kinect promos does not come back... https://twitter.com/PeterMolydeux/status/557984562907987968 Also agreed to early to say
  5. So people I am taking to are saying that Hololens and CastAR. Could very well be the next App store. I am curious though will leadwerks support these devices? CASTAR - LINK Microsoft Hololens - LINK I know that Cast AR plans to distribute a C++ SDK for their hardware. Not sure about hololens other than they will be showing more off at the build conference. Will leadwerks support this?
  6. Hey Josh - I would re apply and here is why - Every Xbox Retail Console is a dev kit. They have yet to activate this feature but from what I understand they will do so very soon for Indie Devs. It will be primarily be for Indie devs. EuroGamer - Every retail Xbox Console is a dev kit. They are also updating policies to be more inline with their competition (Nintendo and Sony) That said - You are probably better off contacting Nintendo or Sony to get onto their systems for the moment. Also do you intend on supporting Microsoft hololens? I know that it was announced just a few days ago. But from the looks of it. It could be the next App store so to speak.
  7. This may be the thing that pushes me to get the standard version of Leadwerks. Just going to watch this a while longer. To see if anything come of it.
  8. Please update the IDE section of the FAQ with Visual Studio Community. It is the full version of Visual Studio and It is free. LINK
  9. Mind showing it off when you get the chance? Cloth Simulation would also be nice to have.
  10. I would have to agree - a Chat transcript or at the very least Uploading the video to YouTube would be beneficial to people not able to make the chat
  11. Sounds good and I am interested. Shoot me a PM and we can talk I am re-installing my Operating System right now as well as tools (3DS Max, Photoshop, etc.)
  12. I would be willing to make art for people. I have the spare time and can put the effort in to do so. Just need code to make the characters move around and such EDIT: Also - Just a heads up I am not the best at making characters. Just saying...
  13. Honestly - the biggest problem that I face is writing code. Since I am not a programmer and More an 3D artist
  14. Yeah, Agreed - whole heartily
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