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Everything posted by CreativeOcclusion

  1. I laid down a CSG mesh right above the floor and used that to generate the navmesh...I also could not get it to generate on the imported model...
  2. @CoolBeans...we are about in the same boat...I still have a job, but it s***s....I have some experience programming but little with lua...if I figure anything out on these topics that works, I will share it with you....don't give up and I look forward to playing your game....
  3. I deleted my post above because it is giving me problems too....every time I think I have it figured out it gives me more problems...I will post again if I get it figured out...Rick is right about the 'person.entity.script.variable' being silly...it does work well with the Health though....sorry for any inconvenience....
  4. Look HERE...Hope this helps...It helped me...
  5. I was not saying that it is impossible...I was asking why someone would want to...The graphics in Leadwerks are very good...It just seems like a lot of work for what you get out of it...My question was..."Why not just make the game in Leadwerks?"....Sorry if it seemed that I was saying it was impossible...
  6. Leadwerks is capable of better graphics than Horde3D...They use two different versions of openGL...I don't understand what trying to link them together would accomplish...Why not just make your game with Leadwerks?...You can use external libraries with the standard version of Leadwerks, but Horde3D is a rendering engine, not a library.... Just a suggestion...Drop the RPG as your first project....Start small, like moving a cube around a room etc.....Go through all the tutorials that you can find...Then you will have a much better chance of completing your RPG without getting frustrated and quitting....Hope this helps and WELCOME to Leadwerks...
  7. Your game is looking really good...I like the spider...keep up the good work....
  8. It sounds like the range for the camera is wrong...look at THIS in the docs and see if it helps...This can be changed in the FPSPlayer.lua file...
  9. @Juggernaut....Glad to see you back around...long time....
  10. I can't find any way to set the grid except for the increase/decrease size options....It would be nice to be able to set it the same for all view ports.....
  11. Should I file as a bug report, or just leave here until Josh responds...??
  12. I have a couple of errors that show up in my game now...everything is working fine in game....These started to show up when I switched to the 3.5 Beta...Anyone know what I need to look for to correct these errors...??...Thanks
  13. CreativeOcclusion


    The organization is important, but is not as important as having up to date tutorials covering as many subjects as possible....
  14. Have you added a material to the brush...or surface???....It would help to have a screenshot or video....otherwise it is a long series of questions before finding the problem....
  15. Do you have lights in your scene....??
  16. CreativeOcclusion


    I think this is looking good, and I appreciate all the hard work from the Leadwerks crew...
  17. When you go to put in a file, it is asking for a .zip file....[EDIT]....sorry, shadmar beat me to it....
  18. Yea keep up the good work....good luck...
  19. Hey Lunarovich, You can change it in the App.lua file where the name you want will show at the top of the game play window... function App:Start() --Initialize Steamworks (optional) Steamworks:Initialize() --Set the application title self.title="MyGame"
  20. You need to use seamless textures...The texture you have can be made seamless...just google it and you should be able to do it....
  21. you may try watching this video about weapons....may help, may not....
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