i am trying to text the players x y and z at the top of the screen...this code works sort of...i was just wondering if someone has a better snippit of code i can study...this code prints about 6 digits past the decimal and it seems to be inaccurate comparing it to the position of other models in the level...i just need accurate position of the controller called "player" in this code....thanks for your help...
TVec3 px=Vec3(playerpos.X);
TVec3 py=Vec3(playerpos.Y);
TVec3 pz=Vec3(playerpos.Z);
//print x,y,z of the player
DrawText (0,currentLine*12,"FPS() = %f",FPS()); currentLine++;
DrawText (150,1,"X= %f ",px);
DrawText (275,1,"Y= %f ",py);
DrawText (400,1,"Z= %f ",pz);