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Michael Betke

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Everything posted by Michael Betke

  1. Michael Betke


    I really like the sound hehe. Reminds me of "Wolfenstein" because of the wall layout. Nice job!
  2. I have a strange problem with the automatic LoD expoter. I used it a lot but now it seems to be some kind of broken after my re-install with the new rig. Object names: mud_wall_middle_5m and mud_wall_middle_5mLOD1 I would like to use this name: projectname_walls_mudwall-middle-5m.gmf I select both object and hit export. After export the two models are merged into one (!!) model not two. I have no idea why the exporter is doing this. I tried several objects and have no idea why it happens. I think there should be two models.
  3. So download the evaluation version and no Rapidshare version!
  4. I think they just failed doing something with the engine and then write its the engines or Joshs fault and not their own. It's easy to write something is **** if you don't understand it. I never got used to Vray and its bunch of settings so it's **** and any renderer I manage is cool, lol.
  5. MAybe letting it create a simple basic .lua so the common adjustments are available right after import. I'm reading threads from time to time where people ask how they can enable options for a model. This is just a simple request. You tool is really nice and feels complete. Ok, batch exporting would be nice too. So I can process a directory of files.
  6. This site is running a CG and Realtime contest: http://www.tdt3d.com/articles_viewer.php?art_id=405 There are a lot of prizes, especially software licenses, to win and the thematic is also challenging. Maybe someone will do a good presentation with Leadwerks. I think I don't have the time for it since there are no hardware prizes, hehe.
  7. I had a little fire and sparking on an old 7800GTX card some time ago too. It smokes my board and i was happy that my comp wasn't damaged. Nice update as always!
  8. It's a pitty that you don't have rendered shadows on the ground. It makes all looking very flat (I mean the structures on the ground).
  9. Yes this is what I'm looking at. How did you do it?
  10. Just using a simple light with black value would be best because no additional work like baking or material setup would be needed. The negative value is not possible because the entry field reverts to zero if I enter a negative value. B)
  11. I really like the horses and its the animal i need to complte my animals. But one obious thing is the grazing animation. The right eye of the horse is stretching a LOT and ruins the look. Seems like a vertex is missed there. Will this be fixed?
  12. Michael Betke


    Nahh, you dont need to learn to paint. Its just a start with a 50% black image plus placing rectangles and other forms in brighter or dimmer grey on it so you have an heightmap. I use to blend in the diffuse very slightly to keep a bit of the cracks and such things on my heightmap image.
  13. Baking AO to textures is still a good thing these days. Even if you could do it in realtime with a shader. People with low-end systems will definitly love baked lighting.
  14. Michael Betke


    Check this Article: http://www.game-artist.net/forums/support-tech-discussion/6126-mini-tutorial-normal-maps-how-not-do-them.html
  15. make those grid lines glow a bit!
  16. Michael Betke


    If you want to generate normalmaps from your simple images its highly recommended to use a self made greyscale heighmap to get goos results. Regardless which application you use for this kind of gneration. A very good free generator but rarely known is "Njob" by Charles Hollemeersch. http://charles.hollemeersch.net/ Shaderlab is also nice and costs 20 bucks.
  17. why does she has balls on her forehead? I think this should definitly not be there. So back to anatomy.
  18. Sorry to pull Cryengine out of my hat again, I'm not a fanbox or so, hehe. But you have an additional checkbox near every terrain layer to choose which vegetation type will auto-grow there. This would be a nice thing to have. The tool uses the values you entered in the vegetation type like distributin, lod ranges, etc.. A texture layer can have multiple vegetation specimen set. Downside: While using it for wide and open fields I noticed the vegetation was popping out of nowhere on an entire terrain "quad". It's hard to explain but it looks like if it doesnt blend in the vegetation with its viewdistance but all in one on a tile. Maybe Josh can do better.
  19. The cliff textures are just textures but I use to place rocks along the cliffs too to make it more edgy and natural with some bushes in the gaps. The rocks are part of the rocks and stones pack. Roads are custom textures and not for sale but available at CGtextures, so Im bound to their license to not resale textures even if they are modified in photoshop.
  20. Files are back up. Fixed the installer and some other issues. )
  21. It's not meant for everyone to use for it's stuff. @Red October: Seems I have to take care for my Installer a bit more. Windows doesn't like "|". For the water I think it's a matter of taste. It's the same like in the video version and I would do it the same way again. The road ends there because it's the end of the level zone. Agree with the mainmenu and loading. The scene is pretty big and may take some time on some systems. Walk mode is this fast because its intended to have the player run with "shift key" pressed and its blocked by the trees because of their .phy mesh. I want the player not to walk around in the forest so I didnt do own .phy meshes.
  22. The interactive and playable version of our GDC 2010 Technology Demonstration is available now. This version differs a bit from the video version because of it's interactive nature. A video doesn't need to be optimized and game-play doesn't matter too. So this version is made more compact and fun to walk around. There are no area restrictions like invisible barriers so everything can be explored. Furthermore all four game-asset packs can be test-drived before buying too. The "Holodeck" sample levels show off small scenes with our current shop items. All this is made possible with our brand new visualization application devloped by Leadwerks Corporation based on their cutting-edge technology. Our front-end solution for clients, which usually demand full interactivity, to showcase their visions in an interactive manner. No matter if distributing via WWW or just a demonstration in meetings. It's possible to load up several projects within the application, define settings and walk or fly around while presenting or exploring their product. Last but not least everyone will keep the overview with the integrated minimap functionality. A manual is also included. Follow up links: Pure3d.de GDC 2010 Technology Demo Game Asset Preview Application at our Shop
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