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Michael Betke

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Everything posted by Michael Betke

  1. Indeed Arbuz. But my vegetation looks fine in rendering. So it must be something else what messes up Omids SSDO/SSAO
  2. I just use a plane with a two sided material for vegetation. For fruits or more complex stuff I make simple geometry. But maybe we are talking about the same.
  3. Your tree has very flat planes so I guess there is nothing to occlude. If you ad more geometry the tree will look better. I used SSDO and SSAO both on my vegetation and the material setup is the same I guess. So it could be your lack of geometry detail.
  4. Just a minor thing which popped into my eyes are the screws on the plates. They are all turned into the same direction. Rotating them a little bit would add nice detail. The handle on the reight could also be smoothed. Now it looks edged. But mybe it's made this way in a real cockpit.
  5. Are you sure you want to match the photo? I think its not real because a night photograph look bloomed in most cases. If i drive around at night with my car. the instruments are shining but not glowing. I think your setup with some slight lights emitting from the instruments will be good enough.
  6. Is there a material whch allows me to have a mapped plane always facing to the view no matter if I go around it? Like the speedtree textures. I want to try this method out for vegetation. Maybe I can use the particle material? it seems smoke always face the camera view.
  7. looks great! will be a awesome ingame model
  8. I use a helicopter with a blue carpet und it. Apache most times so I can blast away trees in my sight to get a clean photo.
  9. One hint: After you finally placed your vegetation you can paint shadows onto the terrain to get rid of the flat distant look. I think it could be done with another global texture which comes in the new Leadwerks Beta. The shadows of the forest can be very blurry. From the near view the interactive deffered shaodws will do the rest. So you basically have a painted terrain AO map.
  10. Today I took a break from the current pure3d game-art job and enjoyed the weekend. But I also took my magic blue carpet and camera with me to make shots for upcoming vegetation sets. A friend at Crytek showed me this photograph technique some time ago (they do it in a more professional manner). I just take a small branch with leaves from the bush/tree place it on my blue carpet and take a picture. Cloudy days are best because you get a nice ambient color without shadows. The middle photo was taken with shadows on and is very bright. For editing it's best to have a neutral color tone. After getting this 4MP pic onto my computer I can select colors and masking. With this source I can either use it to do a mesh for texture rendering in 3ds max or simply do my texture in Photoshop. All of my textures are done this way. So in most cases you won't find the same texture anywhere else and this makes the Pure3d Asset packs unique. Speaking of asset packs: From beginning May the packs will be converted to other formats/engines. There's also another Leadwerks project to be done. So stay tuned...
  11. I got a crash while trying to add a waterplane.
  12. Will we be able to tweak the light settings or are they fixed with your sky method? A bit of ftopic maybe but I also would like to have this extended renderstats you have on the shots. Especially the "batches" display.
  13. looks ok but I prefer to model my tunnels as a set and stick them together. but its fun for doing overhangs and so on.
  14. No I have two other sets and some contracts to do. Trocpial vegetation is more difficult, needs more time to research. SO I think holding the vegetation price is hard wit ha full tropical set.
  15. Puki why do you have yearly membership? Does the vendor sell Blitz3D?
  16. I fixed the issue with the german languaged button. I overlooked the possibility to configure another language for the landing page. Now everyone should understand what he buy.
  17. No you can use them for whatever you want except doing another model pack with it and reselling it. Do a rock statue or whatever with it.
  18. The shots are cool. I really like this little bird. Can he fly too? You better scale the rocks not so big. better place them along a cliff.
  19. And dont miss the Leadwerks vegetation assets from my shop. You dont need Speedtree then. www.pure3d.de
  20. What language shows the Paypal landing page for you guys? English or German? Seems someone had problems and it showed a german page to an english guy.
  21. you better write some design doc what your tool have to do and then start.
  22. Wow its seems Unity walked a long way. Now they are equally in one sentence with Unreal Engine. Played around with Unity for an hour or so. Its different. The import is nice. The little help-icons everywhere are the stuff i liked most. You click and -- whoop go to a nice help article! The established game engine companies have to do new stuff. But what can they do? A lot of technology has been developed and "small" companies like Leadwerks and others are picking up speed. The visual border disappears and no ground breaking new technology is invented every point release. User got the choice between several good looking engines these days. So how can they keep small companies away? 1. Use their manpower and do awesome Toolsets. 2. Crush the small companies with free/low-cost license models
  23. I dont make the App but another one. Won't tell his name because everyone will spam him with requests like I do lol.
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