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Everything posted by beo6

  1. No problems here with only CSG boxes. resolution does not matter too. With VSync on i always have 60 fps. with VSync off in release mode i get a too quickly flashing fps counter that is around 500-600 fps. So it must be one of your other models / scripts that is slowing it down.
  2. ah right. sorry about that. will fix this as soon as possible.
  3. beo6

    LCP 3.0 ?

    i only created a project in redmine for it so no special webpage. Link: http://redmine.code-i.de/projects/le-community-project-3 But to activate your account i will need the wished job like Development (Lua/C++) Designer (i count level mapping with it) Modeler Sound
  4. hi. i just updated the script in in the steam workshop with some features. like you wrote i added a selection for font (if none is selected the Arial.ttf is used) flowgraph outputs so you can for example have a monster chasing you as soon as you have closed the note ( slenderman anyone? ) open / close sounds loading of lua text files so the script also works in Sandbox lua mode. (there is a text1.lua for an example how they should look)
  5. i think there are tags already assigned. For some reason when i load the workshop i often get only a empty page where it displays that there are no items. Not really sure why.
  6. You really want to make another amnesia. Do you?
  7. I want to revert back to the default font after i have drawn a text on the screen. But using self.originalFont = context:GetFont() does not work unless context:SetFont(self.font) was at least called once before. But since the game draws texts by default already with probably the default font (Arial) i wonder why it does not return the default font. How is everyone else doing this? I don't want to set the font after my script is done drawing, guessing that the user is using the default font.
  8. i tried if workshop items do overwrite files. and they do indeed overwrite. I really don't like this. Someone else could just make a script with the same name as a default one and it gets overwritten.
  9. lol. i didn't even checked who started the project cleaner thread.
  10. you can also try some of the project cleaners here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8808-le3-project-cleaner/page__hl__project+cleaner
  11. sorry josh for bothering you about my wiggling hangouts logo. I had WebRTC disabled (because of a security issue) and just remembered that hangouts requires WebRTC. But it was a nice hangouts. i am already telling more people on steam to vote for the Leadwerks Player.
  12. Ok. but then this tutorial must be pretty old: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/artwork/how-to-use-the-workshop-r111 and it should be mentioned there how the directory structure of the zip file should look like. I had to upload it twice because i didn't knew and uploading with my still slow internet (~200 kbit/s upload) is just args.
  13. at least in a subfolder like "workshop-items". and maybe for every workshop item also under that a folder with the name of the item so it does not get cluttered.
  14. i just uploaded my first workshop file. but when i had the lua file right at the first level in the zip-file when i subscribed it had put the lua file in the root of my project right next to the exe files. not sure if that is intended as that could get messy.
  15. i guess physics are never very accurate. That is one reason why every game i played so far had a snap-in feature for example when the player held a gear in front of a machine the gear just snapped into place.
  16. looks like you call context:SetColor() somewhere in your script. As a quick workaround you can call context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) right before context:DrawImage() in the Note.lua file in the PostRender function. //Edit: I just added the setcolor for the texture drawing and also added some more text settings like text alignment, size and line spacing. I just uploaded it to the steam workshop (first item i uploaded to the workshop) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=388493460
  17. don't know about the texture. Maybe some wrong setting in the Texture Editor? The text does currently not know when to break to a new line on its own. So you need to have the lines short enough to fit on the texture. But i agree that it would be nice. But then there is also the issue about different display resolutions that could limit the available space or text-size. another nice feature would be to have multiple pages to read
  18. beo6

    LCP 3.0 ?

    i would say both can learn from it. If you get stuck i would love to help as long as i am able to. I am sure other will help too. And since everyone is working on the same code you can also learn from others. Some people even know coding but just wanted to help in modeling so they can get some experience with that.
  19. thanks. i know how to convert. it was just late and i didn't looked up the documentation. i changed it. Now you can select the color. Also the note can be closed either with pressing E again now or just by walking away and looking away. Note.lua
  20. Ah. Now that you write it i know what I did wrong. the colours are between 0 and 1 and not 0 and 256. Will fix that later.
  21. no problem. was fun to code. I needed something else and i thought this is a good way to keep scripting. some small things i didn't got to work like changing the text color. it was every color but not the one i had set. also i tried to bakup the original font so i can revert back to it after drawing but that didn't seemed to work. will need to look into that further to see if that are bugs or i did something wrong.
  22. i just hacked together a script like that. it works together with the default FPSPlayer.lua script. You also need to disable Sandbox LUA mode in the editor to read the text-files. (i might look at it if i can use lua files for the text instead) Tools -> Options -> Sandbox LUA = disabled Notes.zip - got the texture from here: http://www.wildtextures.com/free-textures/old-grunge-paper-texture/
  23. beo6

    LCP 3.0 ?

    I have counted and so far only 8 from the 14 interested people have registered. So if someone is still interested he can still join.
  24. Your Projects don't necessarily have to be inside the projects folder. For example when you import a project it can stay everywhere. I guess you could even change the default project folder.
  25. Just go into the leadwerks project manager and double-click on the project name. the explorer should start with your project directory open already.
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