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Everything posted by beo6
ok. i have created a project in redmine and created a forum where we can talk about more detailed stuff so we keep this forum clear. Everyone who voted yes should have got a personal message. If not just scream.
Thanks Guppy. hadn't thought about that but you are right. Wonder how Rick managed that problem. @YouGroove. I think we will have some more discussions about some game specific stuff later. But i don't want to spam the Leadwerks Forum with that. For a FPS and TPS controller i had made that script here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/436-fps-and-tps-controller/ based on Aggrors tutorial. I guess that should still work in the new LE version but i haven't tried it. Just a small modification to switch with a keypress.
Thanks for the big interest. I had not expected so many and i am really happy about that. So far it looks like FPS/TPS got the most votes. Soon i will try to contact every one who showed interest and ask them some things like what they want to do on the project etc. Please be patient as this is the first time i do something like this.
Nice that you where able to solve the issue. it should not matter to what you attach the listener. But the most common is the camera. And as long as you give the listener your parent as argument it should also move with your entity. And i think you should only have a single listener. But i am not sure what happens if you have more.
Physics disabled is correct. But do you have also set the Physics in the Physics tab? Set it to Rigid Body set a collision shape give it a mass higher than 0 set type to Prop and you should be good to go. Sorry the checkbox should really be named "Physics enabled at start" or something like that.
You need to have the option enable physic disabled in the script tab. I only wanted to keep it compatible with the original impact script so this defines the physic on start. I tested the script and it works for me.
Have you added a listener to your camera? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/listener/listenercreate-r486
i agree that these are for learning. but not only programming. Also there can be new things in a FPS game too. With the new water for example there can be underwater levels. Think of Subnautica for example even though since that includes crafting etc. i would consider it a bit less an shooter but it is in first person.
no problem lxFirebal69xl. I hope you get it soon. It is really easy and you can see a lot of useful scripting parts in the already existing scripts. For example for what you want i just put together what i posted and the existing script under "Scripts/Objects/Physics/ImpactNoise.lua". additionally i just set the Mass to 0 to disable the physic on start and reset it when it is shown. ShowHideImpact.lua
Look into your Scripts/Objects/Triggers/ folder for "CollisionTrigger.lua". I think that should help you. Just change the key script to something like function Script:Show()--in self.entity:Show() end and connect them in the flowgraph //edit. fixed that you don't need to assign the key in script when you already assign the script to the key. (its late)
Can you try this? -- disable model picking self.entity:SetPickMode(0) local world = World:GetCurrent() local pickinfo = PickInfo() local pivotPos = self.entity:GetPosition() local rayStart = Vec3(pivotPos.x, pivotPos.y+1, pivotPos.z) local rayEnd = Vec3(rayStart.x, rayStart.y-50, rayStart.z) local pickSize = 0 if (world:Pick(rayStart,rayEnd,pickinfo,pickSize,true,Collision.Prop)) then local pickentity = pickinfo.entity end -- reenable model picking self.entity:SetPickMode(Entity.SpherePick) If that does not work try to set the pickSize higher.
Thanks wardtf for your offer. So far it looks better then i have feared. I will let the voting run for a bit and after that i will ask everyone who woted yes in what department he/she wants to work in. I fear after the voting some will leave already since we can't make everyone happy about the choosen genre. But i hope enough will stay.
@Rastar: that is why i added "Simulation / Sports" as option. However i think multiplayer will be a bit out of scope at least for the start.
no problem fallingbrickwork, every opinion is highly appreciated. But consider that LE has no real plugin system so it is limited in what can be added without C++. Also as i wrote. For example a working RTS controller would be just as good as a GUI system which we now have some options. I think there can be parts of such a project useful for everybody.
Floors i know are normally below me.
interesting idea Guppy. would definetly be something new. I also agree with Rick. FPS would be the easiest. But there are already a lot of FPS out. i will go with whatever will be voted and i don't want to influence the voting but when RTS will be selected i can also give my still in WIP script of a RTS controller. It is not finished but it is 100% lua and i think pretty good commented. I want to release my RTS script anyway when it is finished. Considering that for RTS there is a dynamic navmesh generation missing for LUA it would either be required to code it in C++ or just stick with the current navmesh approach which i would do. Things can always be improved later. Thanks so far for the votes and comments.
i am not really sure what a "brawler" is supposed to be. Do you mean something like Darkness Awaits just with an Isometric camera?
Hello everybody. Now that the Winter Games Tournament is over i would like to ask if anyone is interested in a new Leadwerks Community Project? I know everyone is currently busy with their own games But since the last one didn't really finished as i have hoped. (i think it was more or less canceled but still playable which was nice) And i notice that i am more productive if there is some teamwork involved i wanted to ask if anyone here is possibly interested so i made a vote. I can provide versioning hosting with backups, ticketing system etc. From the last Community Project i know it was intended that everyones work-part was as much excluded from everyone else as possible so it does not get messy. But i didn't really liked that approach. I want to still have everyone on a specific part working but not completely unknown of everything else going on. Please only vote Yes if you are really interested. For some genres i think it will be required for some people to use the C++ Version. ( at least the core developer(s) ) but most should be possible with pure LUA. So please vote. I was thinking the last few days about this and if i should start this but i think we can do this.
funny that i have not seen any game that looked 100% realistic. Sure it is always getting better but why should water be 100% realistic from the start?
If i understand it correctly the halo depends on the contrast. Maybe the lightning in the scene is not the best. I don't know. But i have seen these halos in some AAA games too sometimes.
This halo is a pretty common artifact for SSAO. maybe try this what I have found for a quick search: I am no shader expert so no idea how good it is. http://www.gamedev.net/topic/550699-ssao-no-halo-artifacts/
I had the annoying issue that Leadwerks loaded files from a zip file I had accidentally in the game directory. Unfortunately the log showed as if they are loaded correctly from the game directory and not from the zip file or else I would have found the issue much quicker. I am on the latest beta //edit: I actually like that feature. However it should be the other way around like the quake engine does it. There the pk3 files are loaded first. But if a file is in the directory with the same name etc. That file gets loaded instead.
I don't know of any complications. You should be good to put your materials wherever you want.
i like the fishies. maybe smooth the rotation slightly. they instantly change direction sometimes. But other then that it looks pretty good.
Looks a lot like LE 2.5 code which is not compatible with LE 3