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Everything posted by beo6

  1. you are not forced to use the Leadwerks included LUA editor. I like to use Sublime Text for nearly all scripting i do. Visual Studio is good for C++ though. Too bad the C++ Plugin for Sublime Text is discontinued. Would have liked to try it out.
  2. However i don't think boolean operators on CSG will be usabel when the game is loaded since it can only be optimized when it will not change on the fly.
  3. beo6

    Linux Editor Updated

    The project manager does not update your map files. It does only update scripts, shaders etc. That come from the leadwerks project template. Your map however you will most likely have changed, so the map needs to be converted to the new version.
  4. Or you reload the map file after you died if you don't care about loading times. Might be easier at the start and you don't need to keep track of every entity in the map.
  5. i guess friction is hard to transfer over network connection. Or why do so many multiplayer games have issues when players stay on top of a moving platform and slide down or something like that? For example that was always an issue in Battlefield 1942. Not sure if that is still an issue in the newer battlefield parts. Or maybe there are no more aircraft carriers.
  6. i think most here misunderstand the difference between how many frames per second the human eye can see and how many frames per second are required for the human brain to recocnize it as a fluid motion. There is no simple answer to both of them since they also depend on motion blur, how much motion there is in the game etc. sort of Ontopic: I have played Divinity 2 and noticed that shadows in the distance got updated a lot less frequent than shadows near the character. Maybe that is also a possible way for optimization. However i don't know what kind of renderer they use.
  7. That's interesting. I guess then mobile press is more into applications instead of games or game engines. When even apple rejects your deferred renderer because they think it is a movie.
  8. i still don't really get it how mobile etc. can be compared with that huge difference of advertising that was published. Mobile got nearly no advertising as far as i know and Linux now got a lot of advertising like Greenlight, kickstarter Josh going to different events etc. I accept that Josh is focusing on Desktop for now. It is just a bit sad that the mobile LE3 stuff i bought is pretty much useless for me. especially now.
  9. I guess they all use LE2.X if i am not mistaken. (not that this is anything bad)
  10. i would come back to the android forum when there would be something usable. But for the moment it is Joshs decision to not work on mobile.
  11. As long as there is no update to buy for better performance i am absolutely ok with that. But at the moment i am unsure which way josh will take. His mind is a Mysterium for me.
  12. i agree that it is currently not the fastest of all engines and it was already not the fastest with LE 3.0 which i think means it might not be the renderer which slows it down. I am no expert but i still believe and hope it will be optimized over time. For faster PCs like i have it is currently fast enough i think. Maybe a more in-depth analysis where the bottlenecks are is needed
  13. please think about people with a crappy internet connection. It takes a very long time to upload a big project for me. And yes. i live in a big city. But for some reason exactly on this place the internet connection is the worst i ever experienced and that is already for years.
  14. As long as this is not included, you can try to use pivots as folder alternative.
  15. I can agree that these captchas are sometimes very hard to read. even for younger ones. I have issues especially on Google captchas most of the time. Luckily they are rarely required. And btw. I take my hat off for cassius. You are then even more into modern computing than most yunger people i know.
  16. Having the choise to continue playing the sound is always better. If i want to have music continue playing while loading the next level would not be possible if the engine automatically removes all sounds when loading.
  17. Even though i can understand you Rick. But this is the first time i hear why it got silent about the LCP. So maybe if you would have gone more open in communication as to why there is trouble we probably could have found a solution and maybe someone else could have been found doing the level mapping and possibly also someone else leading the project when your motivation got so low. i liked scripting for it and at least the asset store benefited from it. What i liked most is the limit you where giving to the people. That prevented featurecreep in the scripts i think and made the release of the scripts faster. So if you ever want to make a new LCP count me in.
  18. that looks amazing. I can only imagine how awesome it would be when it gets implemented properly in Leadwerks.
  19. There was a Leadwerks Community Project. Not sure what happened with that.
  20. According to Josh that material removes the faces when collapsing the BSP brushes on load. So there should be no overhead.
  21. There is a material named Caulk. Paint that on the faces that should not be rendered.
  22. Mp3 probably not because of the license. But something else like Ogg would be nice.
  23. i am not a fan of GNOME. So i hope it will work on Kubuntu. And i can't think of any reason why it shouldn't.
  24. Sure. go ahead. i ported it myself from a post i think from the Unity forums with checking for similar methods in Leadwerks 3. Looking forward if you are more successful with the AlignToVector() method. If not i will need to make a small test project and post it in the bug forum i think.
  25. Hello, nice that it helped. Have you also tried using AlignToVector() ? See here how i think it should be used: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8786-can-model-be-rotated-by-quaternion-lua/#entry67946 However in my tests the last parameter for the rotation never had the desired effect and it seems everytime i come up with the issue no one answers just like everyone is avoiding this. (sounds odd i know. ) and i still don't know if that is a bug in AlignToVector or if i am just using it wrong.
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