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Everything posted by beo6

  1. +1000. that would absolutely amazing
  2. No, because LE 3.1 calculates all lights in realtime so you don't need Lightmapping anymore. Just put as many lights in the scene as you need.
  3. Is there some example in how to use DLL's from LUA?
  4. i wouldn't say that every command is Lua compatible. But most of them are.
  5. beo6

    solar system

    There is also Space Engine: http://en.spaceengine.org And celestia: http://www.shatters.net/celestia/
  6. Is it still slow when you disable physics? Because there is an slowdown issue with dynamic shadows. Try to disable shadows and see if it helps.
  7. You could of course until then create your own decals. The most simple solution would be a plane square that is aligned to the surface of the object that got hit.
  8. The performance of leadwerks was until now too terrible for most games. The mobile support just feels too unfinished and according to josh that will not change with le 3.1 I can understand that he focuses first for desktop PC. I still look forward but until the mobile side got a lot of more attention I see le as a desktop only engine and i will look for other engines. Please don't see this as a rant. Just my opinion and experience.
  9. Hello, Decals are not supported currently in LE 3.0. I requested the feature a while ago: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7130-support-for-decals/ However the megatexture implementation of LE 3.1 should make it possible.
  10. Wait. Textures applied inside the fbx are actually applied automatically? For some reason I needed to add the materials manually.
  11. That is exactly one issue i had with an external model i tried to import. The model showed up as a tree of different parts and i couldn't apply the single texture correctly to the model in the editor. If i applied the texture to the parts seperately it looked just wrong. Not sure how it is supposed to work.
  12. You must be kidding. I had projected shadow enabled for only 1 model. (A sphere) and the performance drop was huge even on my quad core desktop PC with an NVIDIA GTX 680. of course it is not that important if the frame rate is 1000 or 100. I just got a Sony xperia Z which has definitely not a bad performance but the engine is just unusable slow with dynamic shadow.
  13. as far as i know the update 3.1 is focusing on the Desktop platform including Linux support and there will be not much for mobile. Since i also like to develop for mobile i can agree with you that mobile is really badly supported so far. I still hope it is not completely abandoned and will get at least a bit of love after that. There is much that would need improvement. At the moment i think you need to abandon dynamic shadow. You could use a fake drop-shadow like in the first version of darkness awaits.
  14. I really think you don't understand what getProperty does. Just read http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/system/systemgetproperty-r538 and you understand that it reads the parameter map when it is attached to the command-line. The Editor does attach the map parameter with the currently in the editor loaded map so you can actually debug the loaded map when you press "Run". if the "map" parameter is not attached it loads the default map that is the second parameter in the getProperty method. If you don't want to have the editor map loaded automatically you can just replace getProperty with your actual path. so replace the line: local mapfile = System:GetProperty("map","start.map") with local mapfile = "start.map" also do not use absolute paths. That will surely give you issues sooner or later. Also it seems you don't have Leadwerks installed in the default path. I am not sure how that affects everything but i think it was mentioned that it will make trouble at least when you try to develop for mobile.
  15. So this Script is also not working? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/430-next-level/
  16. Last time I tried it I had no problems. (Which is a couple updates ago) Have you tried this? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/map/mapload-r510
  17. I don't get it. what is so different to this as loading by filename?
  18. I think the main reason that the old wiki was closed down was because there was a lot of spam added and Josh didn't wanted to have his time wasted cleaning it up. But the wiki is still readable somewhere.
  19. Very nice and very useful for sure. Just noticed: The spiked security fence looks like it is not correctly labeled in the screenshot. The undamaged version looks pretty damaged to me.
  20. Most the time it is enough to include the license in your package. But you will need to read their license requirements.
  21. Maybe it could even be integrated into Leadwerks 3 sometime in the future.
  22. I remember when i played with the Skyrim Editor that the actual collisionbox of characters where always the same size no matter how tall i had set the character-model.
  23. It looks really nice and atmospheric. Since you mention that it is a concept between DayZ and Stalker, will it be a multiplayer game?
  24. i don't see where sketchfab displays changes of a model and how that should compare to github which is a code management/versioning whatever tool. It is definetly nice but it seems it is only useful for CAD models.
  25. http://orteil.dashnet.org/gamegen Funny what you find when you search for a game idea generator. //Edit: hey. i got something that fits to the theme.
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