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Everything posted by beo6

  1. what do you mean? the created game, because the game would not run under linux?
  2. Will people without beta access also be able to participate? (i have Leadwerks 3.0 after all)
  3. What i miss in the current documentation is a functional search. Even the current documentation and reference for LE3 does not allow a search. It always says it could not find anything.
  4. press on "select Face" and open the Objects tab:
  5. really nice. will definetly update my elevator script.
  6. You should enable the projected shadow for your model: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1075-leadwerks-3-gets-projected-shadows/
  7. Never had the exe-files deleted too. So maybe there is something else going on. ( using mainly Visual Studio 2012 )
  8. maybe for some reason your compile cancels and the file is actually deleted since the compile stopped while writing the file? Just guessing.
  9. Just see that it does not end looking like this: (sorry. it just remembered me of this bug i had)
  10. then you could say that the lightmap should also be calculated each time you start
  11. can i also use a texture instead of a color somehow? (Sorry that i ask it again)
  12. I don't exactly understand your suggestion too. You can only paint a layer at the points where you want the texture to be used and you can additionally limit it to a specific height with the height constrains. The layer will not be shown everywhere except you paint the whole terrain.
  13. i suppose it is the same reason as this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/7494-gotopoint-stopped-working/
  14. you need to build the debug version. You should see a dropdown in the bar where you can select between release and debug. Select Debug and build again. The Editor is running the yourGame.debug.exe instead of your yourGame.exe
  15. maybe you can just call the method to generate a new navmesh when you finished placing your objects in the scene?
  16. Maybe a stupid question. But what is the most realistic way to use this if i have a third-person camera? Should i add the Listener to the Camera or the Player-Model?
  17. There are many already. If you have any problem just ask in detail about it and most likely someone can answer it.
  18. Hello and welcome, even though i am no expert myself the biggest point is the friendly community here. i didn't even knew that the trial supports developing in C++ Of course you can develop everything in C++. But i have found that using Lua for single enemies, doors, elevators etc. are really helpful. Some special main code for your game can still be done in C++. For collisions in C++ this Tutorial from Josh shows how simple and easy it is: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/class-hooks-r38 I don't know where you look but most tutorials and examples here are for Leadwerks 3.
  19. The Error i get when OpenAL is not installed is something like "OpenAL32.dll is missing or not found". But you should try it anyway. I know it is a stupid question but do you have any Sound in other Games? Are you using an USB Soundcard? i had some problems with these on some games.
  20. ah. would love to go there since i live in cologne anyway. But last time i was there it was so full that there was not even space to breathe.
  21. Exactly that was already suggested by me here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6174-visible-scripting-in-le3-editor/
  22. noticed that too when i tried to use a big box for a background image because i can't find a way to draw an image behind the world because it always draws black where nothing is.
  23. yes. it does not need to move though. I only want a simple background so it does not look so blank. And i want to keep the levels as simple as possible also for performance reasons since it is planned as a mobile game. i tried to put a big box into the background and put the texture on it. It worked but was not very fast.
  24. Hello. After some longer break i am back to developing. And here is my first small problem i encountered. I want to draw an image into the background of the map. So i draw the image before i call world->Render(); But currently it draws only Black. i can overwrite the Black with camera->SetClearColor(1,0,0,1); (Alpha seems to do nothing) Thanks in advance for any hint.
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