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Everything posted by beo6

  1. yes. please stay with only one scripting language. I was fighting with the lua syntax too at the beginning. But it is not so much different once you are accustomed to it. When i look at Unity that has at least 3 different scripting languages i wonder how they solve the issue about the script sharing or explanation for beginners.
  2. nothing against animated logos but you need to remember that any form of motion steals the attraction of the viewer. so it is harder for users to focus on the text you write here because they keep attracted by the animation. if you keep the animation for the intro of your game there is only the logo visible without any other information on the screen.
  3. what I don't understand with unity. they support JavaScript, C# and UnityScript. why add so many scripting languages? that way sharing scripts is harder than necessary in my opinion but I just might have missed the point of unity. it is even hard to see sometimes which language someone used.
  4. Sorry i will not submit. I started with the project but it is not in a state that i would show it. Hopefully next time. Looking forward to the other projects.
  5. has it worked before? Maybe it needs an updated graphic card driver. Drivers that get installed by windows are most of the time old or really bad. (with rare exceptions)
  6. nice. i think i tried to name the zip the same as the folder but i am not sure now. I think i will need to try it again. So you now have all zip-files in your main folder with the names like "Materials.zip", "Maps.zip" and "Scripts.zip" ? Do you still have the subfolders included in the zip?
  7. If you look into the main.cpp you can find a part with the comment "//Load any zip files in main directory" and the Leadwerks::Package::Load(file); command allows a second parameter for a password. I tried it myself but couldn't get it to work so i am not sure if i did something wrong or if it is just not fully implemented yet.
  8. according to this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/source/sourcesetposition-r323 it has not a global parameter but it does set the position always in global space.
  9. how large is your code? if it is very large it is possible that the compile requires some time. If it is a small code it should not take so long except your computer is slow. For me it takes only a couple of seconds to compile a small code.
  10. if you say "editor" do you mean the Leadwerks Editor? because the LE editor does not compile your application. Visual Studio however does compiles it before debugging.
  11. i don't think he wanted to say you post too much. 1337 is leetspeak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leet
  12. ****. i have a unexpected job that needs my attention first. ; (
  13. i think there is currently no vehicle physic in LE3 or is there?
  14. i try to answer your questions as best as i know. 1) simply Yes. 2) LE2 uses Newton 2 and LE3 uses Newton 3 3) i don't know but i doubt it will happen since Josh is concentrating on Leadwerks 3. But i think even when the physic engine is older in LE2 it is a bit better integrated and has features that are missing in LE3 at the moment. i am sure that will get better though. Maybe you can explain what you are missing in LE2 Physics?
  15. I don't care too if it is in LE3 or 2. the only thing could be that LE2 users have the advantage of better graphics.
  16. i want to join too. I have already two ideas for small game prototypes. But i don't have much time at the moment so it will most probably be one really bad game demo. if i even get it to work
  17. I suppose that comes from the people that got attracted from the kickstarter campaign.
  18. there are already examples for First Person and Third Person and the RPG Third Person. When i started with LE3 i played a bit with a space ship control but wasn't very succesful. But now after i worked a bit more with LE3 i think it is not that hard to do it. I might even start on it again. As long as you don't need actual car physics with wheels etc. (since i don't see fitting joints in the documentation) i think you could even make a racing game. I really think you can do most of it already. Maybe with some limitations here or there. If you miss it just start coding and ask questions about some details. No game engine gives you a fully finished game that fits all your requirements.
  19. as far as i know Newton was also used in LE2 and it wasn't bad. I think some bugs got already fixed in Leadwerks 3. The speedup after loading for example. I don't think the physic engine is the problem.
  20. i thought it is the same as using entity:SetParent()
  21. have tried it as well and i can't get it to work too.
  22. Nice that you got it to work. It was just a quick idea since I had no better idea. You can unproject any position on the screen. and the pivot is only the Anchor position of the entity. if you want to change the pivot on the fly it becomes a bit more complicated since you move your entity with the pivot because it is parented.
  23. i tried my code and it works for me. Now i have the plane top right corner at the top left right of the screen. And you can change the pivot position if you wan't to attach the plane at another corner.
  24. you are thinking of a class like a school class? theoretically there could also be a school class with only 1 kid. Maybe a private teacher or something like that.
  25. hmm. i don't know how we could get the actual screen pixels of the entity since it is also depending of the distance etc. The easiest would be to change the base of the entity. I think that would be possible in a 3d model editor. Another way could be to set a pivot at the position and parent your entity to it. Just like this: function Script:Start() self.pivot = Pivot:Create() local entityscale = self.entity:GetScale() local entityPos = self.entity:GetPosition() entityPos.x = entityPos.x + (entityscale.x/2) entityPos.z = entityPos.z + (entityscale.z/2) self.pivot:SetPosition(entityPos) self.entity:SetParent(self.pivot) end function Script:UpdateWorld() local context=Context:GetCurrent() local pos = self.camera:UnProject(Vec3(context:GetWidth(), 0, 1)) -- always face the camera self.pivot:SetPosition(pos) self.pivot:SetRotation(self.camera:GetRotation()) self.pivot:Turn(270, 0, 0) end
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