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Everything posted by beo6

  1. uhm. UnProject converts a pixel position on your screen from the camera to a global 3d position. So to attach it to the top right side you would only need to get the width of your context. local context=Context:GetCurrent() local pos = self.camera:UnProject(Vec3(context:GetWidth(), 0, 1))
  2. i don't know what you exactly try to achieve but if you wan't to have the plane center at the top left position of the screen local pos = self.camera:UnProject(Vec3(0, 0, 1)) -- always face the camera self.entity:SetPosition(pos) self.entity:SetRotation(self.camera:GetRotation()) self.entity:Turn(270, 0, 0) this works for me.
  3. removing parts of the terrain was already possible in LE2 so i would think that it will make a comeback in Leadwerks 3
  4. I would agree to that, but i am sure there are reasons why it is as it is. And maybe the undocumented methods are there because they could change later. I too sometimes changed a method to public so it could be accessed more easily. And since the LE structure looks easy to understand i wouldn't worry so much and i think it also adds more flexibility for us since we can also access members that would be inaccessible otherwise since the engine is closed source.
  5. If you enable "Show Physics" in the Editor and you see a collision box around that model the collision should work.
  6. I come from PHP coding starting when PHP didn't fully supported OOP. When OOP came more and more it looked nice but it was hard for me to start thinking in OO so i had trouble designing my code in it. So i was just like that. I thought OO coding is just overcomplicating everything. But then i started to force me more and more into using a Object Oriented Framework. It took quite a long time to overcome my fear about OO development and i still think for short examples and scripts it can still be useful to code procedural. OOP can really help you later on when you need to extend your application, fix issues or redo parts of it. It also helps you to better understand later what you have done in your code if you need to do maintanance. I don't say i mastered it fully and know all the design-patterns that can be used, but you should really look if it is not really better to use OOP instead of procedural programming.
  7. i don't really see your question but there is a particle editor. And you can use animated models too.
  8. @Rick you can define the collision type in the editor without attaching any script. However there is of course no wall/floor collsiontype. Only Scene
  9. Can't you just check for the normal in the collision to check if it is a wall or the floor? that way you would not need to add a script to the CSG objects which would disable the internal optimization for it. Another way could be to check the collisiontype.
  10. That is a bit odd. so you define the lua parameters like these: Script.myfloat = 12--float "myfloat" and they are defined for all instances? why can i change the parameters in the script-tab differently for each instance in the Editor?
  11. love the cardboard cars. looks very nice.
  12. They are using it already in their own game engine. Project Anarchy. http://www.projectanarchy.com/ There are some things in the Editor that are pretty close to the LE3 Editor.
  13. sorry for hating. But if that would do everyone it would be a spam horror. No problem if you post it here in the forums.
  14. Now you are advertising other stuff on kickstarter here over the chat. Just stop it. If you wan't to advertise maybe post it in general discussion but with a bit of information why you think that is so great and what is special about it or else i think that is just another spam. //Edit: is there possibly some way to block users?
  15. i suppose he means "models". don't know where the problem is. You should be able to place them like any other model.
  16. you need to recompile your projects to notice it.
  17. I had no problems updating any project. What i noticed is that the speedup after loading seems to be gone. That is nice. Another thing however is that all games are slow now and lagging a bit as if my pc is too slow. I compiled Darkness Awaits and that is slower as well.
  18. have looked at the wacky moles game again and it has indeed a huge delay if these "outch" sounds of the moles are supposed to play directly on touch. But this delay is still a lot longer than anything i ever noticed in other games. It feels more like a 500 - 1000 ms delay than 100ms like i read on the internet when i search for android sound delay issues.
  19. never noticed it on any android game. And i didn't noticed it on Darkness Awaits. So my thought was that it must be something with the audio files or something like that.
  20. i have heard multiple times that sales on ios are better. But i think that can also come from the bad payment options from the google play store. If you have no credit card and your mobile provider is not cooperating with google for payments over the phone bill you have no other way to buy it. And the performance on android is not that bad. There are Games in the store that have very good graphic and are not slow at all. It is just a matter of optimization. Where the sound delay in LE3 comes from i have no idea. Haven't noticed that in Darkness Awaits but in my own game it is very noticable. That is the reason why i haven't posted it as a bug.
  21. i can understand both arguments. however i think the example about a HealthManager is not great because i think managing health is not so complicated that it would require an additional complex script. And for situations like the levelchange script i think a way to add scripts to the flowgraph without requiring an entity where it is attached to would help a lot. That way the only entity with an attached script would be the collision script. And the Level change script would be directly added in the flowgraph without requiring it to be attached to any entity.
  22. If you look into the Player.lua script of DarknessAwaits you can find the code for the touch controls.
  23. there are some undocumented methods in the headers about shadows that i found: virtual void DrawShadow(Camera* camera, const bool recursive); virtual void SetShadowMode(const int shadowmode);//lua virtual int GetShadowMode();//lua virtual void UpdateProjectedShadow(); static void UpdateProjectedShadowCallback(Entity* entity, Object* extra);
  24. I think lightmap baking does not work with imported models at the moment. You need to use CSG
  25. i can only agree to ZioRed. All this speculations about the update is really getting annoying. Josh said that he can't tell anything about pricing etc. until the direction is clear. Unity is a bigger company and is around in the market for a lot longer. When i start the Unity Editor it just remembers me about 3Ds-max with thousands of buttons and menus where i don't know where to start. The Leadwerks Editor is really nice and easy to use.
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