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Everything posted by beo6

  1. As far as I know terrain will be included in 3.0 already. More important than version numbers are the actual features that will be included.
  2. just came to it to see the tutorial. Its really nice and i can only agree to all the suggestions. Josh also said in one bugreport that the flowgraph should not loose all connections just when the script is saved. So i think that is a bug and will hopefully be fixed in the future.
  3. I wonder. OpenGL isn't new so I thought nearly every PC nowadays should support it. And since your pcs do run Windows vista or 7 maybe you are only Missing a drive. What is your Graphics card? Are you using some default windows driver?
  4. i am not sure but since you said that it works when it has no mass, have you tried this order of lines? badguy->SetPosition(54.06,2.077,-1.37); badguy->Move(0,0.5,0); badguy->SetPhysicsMode(Entity::CharacterPhysics); badguy->SetMass(60); So first the position is set and then it gets physics so it can't fell down or something like that before the position is set.
  5. beo6

    Leadwerks for Linux

    i don't think it is fair to compare respones of your linux campaign with the responses from mobile since you made no campaign for mobile support as far as i know. (yes. i am pro mobile. But i am not against Linux support if it happens and does not mean that mobile support will be canceled. Maybe i will even Back the project on kickstarter )
  6. i find it intuitive too. Thats the reason why i tried --out but i haven't thought about trying --arg.
  7. wow thanks. After everything i have tried i didn't came to try it this way. Will try it out when i am home. Am i blind or where is that documented?
  8. Hello, i wonder how we should be able to create an argument function in lua like it is showed here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/object-scripts-r631 a function like this does not work: function Script:GetValue()--out return self.thevalue end and adding a second parameter to self.component:CallOutputs("GetValue", self.thevalue) doesn't work also and is most probably wrong anyway. haven't found any better documentation about that.
  9. Can you provide a bit of code to see if there is something wrong? Thanks.
  10. beo6

    c++ variables

    I am usually not a friend of these. There are only rare occasions when it is really better to use them because they can be assigned to variables or parameters directly since they return a value. But tastes are different.
  11. i hope we can somehow fix this completely, because currently even this short period of time can kill the player when he presses a movement key while it is speeded up.
  12. Sorry. it was not meant as a flame. In my opinion this is no workaround at all. There is no automatism in developing a game. If you want to load a map in a special way you need to do it on your own. That there is already an inbuild way to do this is just a convinience. I only suggested that you just implenent this single line into your level loading code and you would be good to go to have your requested loading automatism for your level designers. The Editor is already adding the -map parameter to the executable you created. If you do not add that parameter to your executable when executing you will just start the first map. If you follow the way it is already coded in the template sourcecode you wouldn't need to change code for every map that should be loaded from inside the map editor.
  13. Just reread my post please. Since it loads the correct map when i press play in the editor the Editor must be already adding the parameter -map with the correct path to the file. So you only need to use System::GetProperty at the correct place where you want to load the map and it will automatically load the correct map from the editor.
  14. i don't understand. If i press play in the editor it already starts the current map i have open in the editor. thats the reason why the default code uses System::GetProperty("map","Maps/start.map"); i think you could also just start the exe with a parameter -map
  15. beo6

    c++ variables

    that is a shorthand syntax for if else. If you write it out it would be this: if ( crouched ) playerPos.y += playerCrouchHeight; else playerPos.y += playerHeight;
  16. mh. maybe i should pause it a bit longer then? Not sure why i still get a bit of a speedup after the level loading.
  17. I am no expert in that but if i have understood it correctly a convex hull is a physic shape that surrounds the whole model with the lowest possible detail. So i think if you have a box with a hole in it, it would cover the hole too since it just surrounds the whole model without taking every detail into account. a polymesh however is the exact representation of the mesh you created and as such can be a lot more detailed and also a lot slower if you do not look at the mesh detail. Please correct me if i am wrong.
  18. i think you want to create a polymesh as collision shape. If your model is already relatively low poly you can generate it directly from the model with right-click in the Assets-Tab and click on "Generate Shape" -> "Polymesh". Then you can load that shape in the Scene Tab as Shape file under Physics from your entity in the scene. haven't tried it out though.
  19. I have paused it. It seems it helps a bit. At least the speedup have gone down from around 4 seconds or more to 1 or 1/2 second. my method for loading levels: void App::LoadMap(std::string mapfile = "") { if (mapfile == "") { mapfile = nextMap->nextMapFile; } //if ( mapfile != "" && mapfile != ".\\" && FileSystem::GetFileSize(mapfile) > 0 ) { if ( mapfile != "" && mapfile != ".\\" ) { Time::Pause(); world = World::Create(); world->Clear(); entities.clear(); //world->Release(); //create camera camera = Camera::Create(); camera->SetFOV(70); camera->SetRotation(90, 0, 0, true); Map::Load(mapfile, StoreWorldObjects); // target camera at player if (player) { //Vec3 cameraPosition = Vec3(player->entity->GetPosition()); //cameraPosition.y += 5; camera->SetPosition(0,10,0); camera->SetScript("Scripts/Cameras/TopDown.lua", true); camera->SetObject("target",player->entity); if (cameraEffect) { cameraEffect->entity->SetObject("camera",camera); } } Time::Resume(); } }
  20. i think when you make a release build you don't get most of this warnings. So i wouldn't worry too much.
  21. beo6

    LCP 2.0

    have nothing against git too. Even though i am not as familiar with it as with subversion and i think git is a lot more memory hungry when it comes to assets that we keep in the repository. (after all i only have a pretty ****ty internet connection) But we can still use redmine for project management. It supports git too. I learned to like redmine and its connection with version control systems.
  22. beo6

    LCP 2.0

    I would also like to help in this project. I already followed the first community project and still think it was amazing what you all got working. So if there is any free place for coding you can write me in. If there is any need in a subversion repository i can provide one on my server with a daily incremental backup and weekly full backup on a second server by my provider and if needed also a Redmine project account for everyone for project management.
  23. since he wrote it shouldn't be a problem. But good hint anyway.
  24. Or try the code klepto posted here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6959-map-loading/#entry57032 haven't tried that myself but when there is already a list in world->entities it should work.
  25. On this page only WAV is listed as compatible: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/importing-assets-r682
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