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Everything posted by beo6

  1. Well. but some stuff is already possible i think. For example "toggle grid lock" at Edit->Grid Snap. resize multiple models: CTRL + klick on models in Editor then resize? Import multiple files. Maybe try to drag and drop multiple files into the editor? didn't tested it. Or maybe just copy them into your project directory.
  2. It might not be in the editor yet like some other things but it should be usabe with code using the Emitter class: http://www.leadwerks...erence/emitter/ //Edit: have looked at the editor and i haven't found anything missing from the Particle Editor except the attractor and detractor.
  3. Hello everyone. I finaly got some more time to play around with the new version. First the physic seems to be working a lot better since my last tests. i let a ball role with setTorque but it sometimes just jumps up into the air. i have the example here: http://code-i.de/Rolling.zip (Keys: W,S,A,D) if that is not the best way for controlling a ball how would you do this? Thanks in advance for informations.
  4. I would say Space games are possible. I experimented a bit with it and uploaded a LUA-Script for Planets to move. The only problem i had was the visibility of far away planets. They disappeared too early and the Editor ignored the settings for it. But i think it is fixed already. Sadly i just couldn't find time to experiment with it further.
  5. beo6

    My Whacky Moles

    @Rick if you create a new certificate for the game, users will not be able to update. I think you can't even upload the apk in the dev console. always backup your certificate with your game sourcecode.
  6. Only the add-ons will go up in price since the main app costs the same for new users and as upgrade.
  7. To be honest, i don't like this. It has a egoistic feel to it that they write something like this in their guidelines. Haven't found anything like that in the Google Guidelines. Yes. i am not a friend of apple. But are forced to use its products from time to time.
  8. I would like better gizmos too. Maybe it could be added with the editor scripting capability i mentioned here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6174-visible-scripting-in-le3-editor/ That way for example we could also see directly the attack radius of the goblins right inside the editor for the example game.
  9. Looks nice. But i have still issues. Jumping works without any problem (i am not @home so i can´t try it on my normal PC where i tested it before) But the character is still running very slow so that i can not make the third jump. //Edit: since i am back from Droidcon i tested it on my desktop PC. It works exactly the same as on my Notebook. I wonder why it is working for some people correctly. It can´t be from the graphiccard. My Notebook uses an AMD card where my Desktop PC uses an NVIDIA. But i made an test and enabled the vertical synchronisation which immediately made the game playable. So there must be an issue with the Framerate i think.
  10. Had some strange behavior with physics too. But i thought i am just bad at physic and it is only my problem. And haven´t tried it again with the latest update.
  11. Maybe it is better to fetch user-input inside UpdateWorld then? For what is UpdatePhysics usable anyway? Will it be called independendly of the PC framerate?
  12. i am not sure but this is not working well for me. I can press Space as often as i want and it does not jump. Then sometimes but very rarely it jumps. He is moving soo slow that it can´t even jump over the first gap. When i move the window the game stops. But as soon as i release the window it runs so fast i nearly get teleported forward and i already hit shadmars highscore with this trick even when i was not even able to jump over the first gap. Maybe the run forward script is running even when everything else get paused? I know this is just a prototype so please don´t get it wrong please. Edit: just to be sure. My PC is not too slow. i have a Geforce GTX 680 and the animation and everything runs smooth as it should. The Character is just walking very slow.
  13. beo6

    [LUA] Sphere

    I am not sure how you come to this syntax. If you look at the documentation here: http://www.leadwerks...odelsphere-r347 the method has 2 parameters. Where the first are the sides of the sphere. If you want to scale it i think you need to call self.model:setScale(10,10,10)
  14. Well. i looked at the Barbarian Model in DarknessAwaits and the Sword is actually its own Object attached to its right Hand. So i think this is already possible. Not sure how the model is exactly created though.
  15. untested but basicly just stolen from the GoblinAI: Script.sightRadius = 10--float function FindPlayerInAABBDoCallback(entity,extra) if extra~=entity then if entity.player~=nil then -- do something with entity.player end end end function Script:UpdatePhysics() local position = self.entity:GetPosition(true) local aabb = AABB() aabb.min.x=position.x-self.sightRadius aabb.min.y=position.y-self.sightRadius aabb.min.z=position.z-self.sightRadius aabb.max.x=position.x+self.sightRadius aabb.max.y=position.y+self.sightRadius aabb.max.z=position.z+self.sightRadius aabb:Update() self.entity.world:ForEachEntityInAABBDo(aabb,"FindPlayerInAABBDoCallback",self.entity) end
  16. without having done this myself i would say you could have pivots on your character where the weapons should be positioned and the weapons should have some animations that are played the same time as the character animation.
  17. I have only tried a visual programming language once years ago (Windows 3.11 times). And i think today, that it was a real pain to use and to keep track at what is going on where and how. Back then i liked it as i didn´t had to learn a language. But i needed to read the documentation at least a bit to understand the basics how to use it. I think the Flowgraph is a nice feature that will come in handy even when i havent really used it yet. Please don´t convince Josh to convert the Flowgraph to a full visual programming language. If really many need this feature make it optional without getting in the way for others. As i understand the Flowgraph is really only meant for interaction between entities. So level creators can define visually how things interact with each other. Thinking about hacking a visual programming language into the current flowgraph implementation: Might it be possible to make some dummy entities (Pivots maybe?) and some scripts with special behaviors and inputs/outputs so you just drag your conditions, timers etc and some methods into the flowgraph like any other entity and connect them just normally with the game-entities?
  18. As far as i know for LE3 the Lua scripts are compiled for better speed as soon as you press Publish for your Project. So i would say it would be as hard to modify as if you try to modify any other compiled application.
  19. That is already on the Roadmap: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/roadmap.html?showbanner=0
  20. Hello everyone. Would it be possible to render some lines or other visible information inside the Editor from an attached Lua-Script? For example a line showing the way a Planet moves around a Sun. Of course other things that the Map-Creator would like to see from the custom Scripts could be useful too.
  21. i suppose it is some default ambient light that is shown when there is no light placed by yourself so you are at least able to see something.
  22. Hello, for some reason i have no longer access to the bug-report forum after i posted there, so i need to post it here. after the last update to fix the problem with the Access Violation. I was able to create a new Project and open it now. Thanks for the quick fix. But i get the same error when deleting a Project and they are not actually removed from the Projects directory: --------------------------- Windows exception --------------------------- EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION --------------------------- OK --------------------------- And when i create a new Project and enter an Author and Copyright information it does not get saved. the .werk file looks like this: So it seems the Author String is not correctly closed. When i manually enter it, it is correctly shown in the Project Manager. (but messes up my special character in my name. when saved as ISO 8859-1 it shows correctly. Not sure if my editor saves the first time with the wrong encoding)
  23. I am pretty sure that they will also work for regular android development. //edit: Sorry but I forgot to answer your other question. You don't need to uninstall anything you had installed before. It runs nicely side by side for me. I haven't seen special files in the directory's with the name leadwerks to be true. Can't I just use the normal sdk with the ndk installed? I also tried darkness awaits on my galaxy note (running android 4.2.2). It was a bit slow on start but went a lot smoother after I killed the first goblin. Not really sure if it went smoother with every killed goblin. But the game went to a crawl after I pushed the lever and showed the app kill dialogue after some time. Android itself was always very responsive (I already had games that also slowed down the system while running) So I am pretty sure there should be more room for optimisation. Just wanted to tell my observations since I don't know which optimisations are already done.
  24. The main problem here is that in Germany for example the real Creditcard is not as common as in america or other countries. I only have a prepaid creditcard since i needed one for the google play store. But other methods to pay would make this a lot easier for countries where not everybody has a creditcard. I thought this discussion was already here when leadwerks 2 got a paypal link to buy it.
  25. Nice. i hoped that it gets released today on my Birthday when i got that e-mail. But that sounds good anyway. Hope the testers don´t find any big showstoppers or at least that they can be fixed easily.
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