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Everything posted by beo6

  1. I will try a small puzzler game with le3 for the start. As this gametype is not mentioned i choosed arcade.
  2. i agree with this. would be nice to know which file is open.
  3. I live in Germany and the Bank-Cards here (as far as i know) have also a Function to load Money onto the Card (they can be used for example to buy Train-Tickets). This Cards have a Logo of "Maestro" on it. But they do not have any security Code so they can not be used for most of the Services that needs a Credit Card. Maybe there are different Maestro-Cards depending on Country/Bank?
  4. beo6

    BlitzMax run LUA

    oh. Thanks for all your answers, i looked again at my Files and found out that i have used a wrong version of my SBX File in my Game-Folder . there was no Atmosphere. Sometimes i am Blind so i think my second question can be answered: I have to use Thingoids for Character-Control in LUA.
  5. Hello everyone and here is my (first?) Question after some time with this nice Engine and even nicer Forum. I now tried to do most of the stuff in LUA and use the Simple scene loader most of it just works like in the editor except 2 things. the Sky is just Black. I can not find a function to run Game-LUA-Scripts like in the Editor when i select the FPS-Controller or Car LUA Script. In the simple-scene-loader BlitzMax Code is the PlayerController included in BMX-Code, so there is no possibility to just run the existing LUA-Controllers? i didnt looked into the Editor-LUA-Game-scripts so maybe the black Sky needs the Game-Controller in LUA. Sorry if this are stupid Questions or they get answered already somewhere. Hope in the future i can also help or post some Code for you all. Thanks
  6. I can agree in some points. Still 3D will stay for long. I dont know if it will be in the background or in the foreground. i tried the Shutter glasses from Elsa years ago, and i got a headache quickly because of the flicker. Now with my Zalman i do not get any headache in many Games (this is somehow gamedependend, maybe how they made the Field of View in the Game) and how i set the 3D settings. My only problem is the heat-problem. when i enable the 3D mode and have my second screen enabled, i can only play ~1 hour until i get white noise on screen. And head-tracking is something completely different but still i think nice in 3D flight and racing games. i can not think that this is nice in a 3D Ego-shooter where you can not move your head differently than your weapon or where you go.
  7. As far as i know, NVIDIA only supports 3D Vision for Direct3D games And Leadwerks uses OpenGL. There are some exception like Quad Buffer with OpenGL, Quadro-Drivers something like that. I didnt looked fully into it. There are also the iz3d Drivers that support OpenGL Quad Buffer, but you will need to buy the driver pakage for OpenGL support. http://www.iz3d.com/licenses I have a Zalman 3D Screen. Maybe we need some self-made Options for this? the Zalman for example would need 2 cameras and render a different view 1 Pixel per Line. I dont know if this would be possible and it would be much work to support all different 3D Systems out there.
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