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Everything posted by beo6

  1. If you used CSG for your box, you might add an empty script to the box so it does not get merged with the rest of CSG.
  2. I wouldn't consider me a vet, but you will need to create a script for dialogues. Look here http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextdrawtext-r731 to see how to draw text on screen. The logic of the dialogue system itself you will need to code yourself since that depends in how it will work in your game.
  3. i think if you set the mass to 0 the physics calculation also stops.
  4. thanks YouGroove, the jump part could be made with multiple cameras i guess. but the other two things might be useful. will look into that.
  5. Coded a Camera Dolly Script for moving a Camera along a Spline path for the Community Project: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=401012514 That can be useful for Tutorial camera moves or cutscenes. (at least i hope so.)
  6. Just a guess why that issue comes up every now and then for some users. Is it possible that your steam directory is on your system drive (most of the time drive C) and probably even under program files? By default drive c and it's subfolders are write protected for normal users. So if you start steam as normal user, steam starts leadwerks as normal user and the result is that leadwerks can't write to files. //edit: on when the file is in the user folder it's not this issue.
  7. well. that depends in how he wants to have the flashlight break. If it is timer based or anything a trigger makes not much sence.
  8. that is very simple. If you use the default FPS Player script add an additional variable at the start. For example: Script.flashLightWorking = true then search where the flashlight gets enabled or disabled (Key F) There add a check for that variable when pressing the key. Now if you want the flashlight to stop working just set that variable. For example if you use the flowgraph you can add a function for that: function Script:BreakFlashlight()--in self.flashLightWorking = false self.flashlight:Hide() end
  9. i actually like the leadwerks way for your example texture better. In unity it looks like a single color from a distance. But it does depend on the type of texture if it works or not.
  10. I also don´t like that decision that every object with a mass can be picked up. But you can modify the FPSPlayer script easily so for example only have entities with Collision Type Prop be portable. You can change scene entities with physic then to collision type Scene.
  11. indeed it is. sorry didn´t knew. Works nicely
  12. its not working for me. it gives the error: Failed to load shader "G:/Projekte/Games/Leadwerks/sneakTest//Shaders/PostEffects/00_shaders/_passthrough.shader" when i run it and it is indeed not included in the zip
  13. so the note.lua file does not get published? does any other workshop script does not get published? Is that the only workshop file you use in the project? the note.lua does only get used in the script field of an entity. So it sounds a bit like publishing does not take the script file attached to an entity into account.
  14. I don´t think the note.lua script creates the problem. Or at least it does nothing special that i would consider it that it might. Also if there are other things missing that you use in your game it looks like a general issue. If you publish the game you get a zip-file. Are you able to look into it? You can use 7-zip that is able to open zip files without needing to extract them. I was able to see the files but you can´t extract them without knowing the secret password.
  15. sounds like a file did not got included in the published files. Can you have a look into the zip file if the files exists? (you should be able to see the file-list but since it is encrypted you will not be able to open or extract them.)
  16. you can open the files in an editor of your choice on your own
  17. Since Lights are extended from the Camera class i found the method "DetermineVisibleEntities". Not sure what it does exactly since it is undocumented but maybe it helps? But you will need C++ for it to use.
  18. Hide should work. What is your code? //Edit: here is a short script. Works without any problem. Just connect it in your flowgraph with the default PushButton.lua script. -- activate light function Script:Activate()--in if self.entity:Hidden() then self.entity:Show() self.component:CallOutputs("Activate") end end -- deactivate light function Script:Deactivate()--in if not self.entity:Hidden() then self.entity:Hide() self.component:CallOutputs("Deactivate") end end -- toggle light function Script:Toggle()--in if not self.entity:Hidden() then self:Deactivate() else self:Activate() end end
  19. maybe you can use some sort of shader for that? that would also make it independend of the real resolution.
  20. but it seems it is not even hitting the mesh of the character-controller model. So something must be wrong there?
  21. About the wrong direction of the pick. That was only the logic i use. If i wan´t a dog "seeing" things through pick i have the pick start from the dog. It was just a hint. And this is definetly a bug or i am doing something horribly wrong. it looks like it has something to do with the Character controller. as soon as the character controller is used it does not register a collision. If i parent another entity to the character controller that parent gets hit no problem. The same is with shadmars script.
  22. trying to understand YouGrooves code. I think he talks a different language than me. one thing i noticed already is that you start the picking from the wrong direction. Your picking code is called from your Dog. But the picking starts from the player. Will try to dig through it a bit more.
  23. beo6

    LCP 3.0 ?

    Yes. Let us make the Best Damn Space Sim Ever! ... oh wait. that was a different game.
  24. Here is a snippets file i made sometime for Sublime Text. I am pretty sure i had a more complete file but i guess i lost it when i had to reinstall my pc after i tried linux. maybe i can find it though. will have a look for it. LE3Snippets.zip just extract it in your \Packages\User folder.
  25. can you post the map file with all used scripts so i can check it myself?
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