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Everything posted by Juggernaut

  1. The Leadwerks 2.5 is still attractive because of the following - 1. Excellent soft shadows for each light type commands ( functions ) accessible from C/C++ and LUA code. The Leadweks 3.X and 4.X totally lack such commands.( functions ). One can adjust the shadow map size, shadow offset , shadow softness and shadow distance from C/C++ and LUA code. 2. Terrain shadow - this feature of Leadwerks 2.5 is completely absent in Leadwerks 3.X and 4.X 3. Self shadow - Objects cat shadows on themselves and on those that are near to them. 4. Brightness, contrast and saturation - The brightness, contrast and saturation of the renderer can be controlled using C/C++ and LUA code. 5. Larger API set - Leadwerks 2.5 has a much larger set of API function calls accessible from C/C++ and LUA code than Leadwerks 3.X and 4.X making it possible to manipulate almost every important feature of the rendered scene through code without the need being tied to the game engine level editor. 6. Leadwerks 2.5 SHADER effects - Large number of various shader effects developed by the Leadwerks 2.5 community that contains oceans, PBR, TOON, underwater light scattering etc. 7. Leadwerks 2.5 PHYSICS - Built-in support for implementations of mechanical objects like revolving machine parts, vehicles, bouncing objects, damping effect on falling bodies that starts to bounce, realistic floating effect of objects - buoyancy on water planes.. Hope you find the above reasons legitimate.
  2. Mr. Klint, Can you please please resolve the situation ? I still hope you can make the SDK downloads available from the server or from the Google drive.
  3. I do not know why it was necessary to take down the server location for the previous SDKs that used to be available for install from the Leadwerks2.exe updater. Was it really taking up too much of the server space I wonder ! If so, should have been archived on the Google drive for those who paid for the software.
  4. Hello, I have lost my Leadwerks 2.5 SDK license key and SDK software. The leadwerks2.exe updater available on the Josh's google drive cannot connect to the server for a fresh download. I paid 200 USD for that 2.5 version back in the days when the Leadwerks 3.0 was just getting launched. . I feel I am at a loss. I also bought the Leadwerks Game Engine Professional version 4.x from steam and is happy to say that I can get it installed and configured whenever I want. Isn't it logical that the Leadwerks 2.5 SDK version should also be available on steam for those who have paid for the software already. Please look into the matter and do something. Thanks,
  5. Hello, Is there any way I can increase the the view distance from the camera, when the detail mapping of the terrain takes into effect ? Thanks,
  6. Hello, Does anybody know how to increase the displacement mapping strength for the terrain shaders ? How do I increase the distance at which the engine switches the terrain details from high resolution to low resolution ? I observed the engine is turning off normal mapping and displacement mapping when camera is taken a few steps back from the terrain mountain or hill. How can I adjust this distance ?
  7. 1. Where are the C++ tutorials gone ? 2. Good surface detail shaders like parallax occlusion mapping , relief mapping etc . are still missing. 3. Terrain shadow is missing. 4. Animated meshes are not getting properly imported in the Leadwerks from Blender FBX export.
  8. Hello , I am unable to find the e-mail containing the Leadwerks 2.5 license key that Josh sent me. Can any body ( preferably Josh ) help me out in this situation ? I do not want to loose the license for the Leadwerks 2.5 since I have paid for it. Also please provide the download link for the installer. Thanks,
  9. Can anybody please provide the working links for 1. LE 2.5 downloads - shaders, assets, scripts, textures and other community driven each and every things. 2/ LE 2.5 engine downloader. 3. Community wikis, official tutorials, docs,
  10. Thank you Mr. for getting the LE 2 wiki alive again http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page Hope it will remain there unharmed in the coming days.
  11. @Aggror: Thank you for providing the link for Leadwerks 2.3 user guide. Hope most of it will work for 2.5
  12. Yes and no. "Yes" - because that function enables reflection of everything on the water plane surface while working through the code editor. "No" - I was asking for a solution to achieve the same effect while working in the world editor without using any code. Will have to check though whether that function SetReflectionElements(ENTITY_RENDERABLE); works for objects that were added to the world using the "vegetation system" available in the terrain editor section of the world editor.
  13. On a second note : The reflection appears to work with anything added as objects from within the editor except for the ones that were added through the vegetation system ! Will this get fixed ?
  14. Hello, After adding trees over the terrain surface and a water plane I tried to get reflections of trees that are near the edge of the water plane or are planted half-submerged in the water plane by going to ( In the editor ) Tools => Options => Configuration and then setting the value of Reflection to : "Everything" But unfortunately the reflection of trees ( the leaves and the branches ) fail to show up on the water plane surface. Ironically the same steps worked for me when I was testing the engine using Leadwerks 2.5 trial version before purchase ! So what am I missing here ? What is the correct procedure to get reflections of any object whether static or animated ( barrels, trees, houses, animated character - people etc. ) on the surface of the water plane ? Thanks,
  15. @Aggror : Thank you for your answer. I appreciate your contribution to the community.
  16. @Aggror: I would like to see a complete guide from you ( if possible ) on how to get the shaders that come with LE 2.5 to work with LE 3.0 since both the engines work with OpenGL 2.1 If you can provide us such a guide, I might go for LE 3.0 PC version. I am not interested in the iOS and Android version right now. The guide can give us a boost in rendering quality of LE 3.0 that is available for use in LE 2.X. I hope I am not asking something off the track.
  17. In the current particle editor of LE 3 I do not see all the features mentioned in this video http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/videos/_/-r160 Will those get implemented - different types of emitter shapes, particle attraction, particle deflection etc. and other things mentioned in that video ?
  18. Wiki not working any more ! Somebody do something please
  19. May I get a link where I can view the code please ?
  20. Hello, I know this is not essential to know in order to use the engine. Still, would like to know more about how that class got implemented. Anybody having the source license willing to share the whole structure of the framework ? Thanks,
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