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Everything posted by Juggernaut

  1. "2: Once i buy Leadwerks 2.5, do i need to buy Leadwerks 3? No." Has the upgrade charge been waived for those who are buying Leadwerks 2.5 now ?
  2. @fumanshoo: Have a look at ATI RADEON HD 7750 or HD 7770 instead. They should handle the engine very well. Those are new generation cards released this year. Why are you running after something that is 5 years old already.
  3. " obviously you meant to say that you are buying a limited license to use Leadwerks..." @Mike: What is a limited license ?
  4. Soft-bodies and real breakage ? Like destroyable environment in cryengine 3 and UDK ? That sounds awsome !!!!!
  5. Ummm ..... not even the creator ! So anything can happen I guess ..........
  6. Can anybody please list the full feature set of PHYSICS that will get implemented in the full feature release ( not the initial release ) of Leadwerks 3 ?
  7. Hello Mr., Is there a source license available for LE2 ? If so, then how much is it ? Thanks,
  8. Can we please have auto-complete, intenseness feature in the LUA editor - similar to what we get to see in Eclipse PDT - it can help a lot in quick learning.
  9. If a terrain is created using the Leadwerks 2 world editor, can it be loaded or used in the Leadwerks 3 world editor ?
  10. Is LE3 editor similar to 3D World Studio ?
  11. The world editor or level editor in LE 3 does not look the same as LE 2 world editor which has a good perspective view. Can the LE 3 world editor be switched to perspective view mode only ?
  12. Hello Aggror, Can you please point me to a video or something like that so that I can have an idea about the awesomeness of the new particle system that will be available in Leadwerks 3 ?
  13. Thank you Shadmar for pointing out the article. It seems quite useful but I would like to confirm if loading of assets from password protected zip file is possible or not. Building a single exe to hide everything may be a good option for small games but for large games which has a bulk of assets it becomes un-practical. Loading game models from password protected pak file will be a boon. I was trying out the getting started with LUA example http://www.leadwerks.com/files/Tutorials/Lua/Getting_Started_With_Lua.pdf . It worked ! But I have a little uneasy feeling regarding the jagged edges of the shadow that is being cast on the ground plane by the rotating cube. How can I remove the jaggedness ?
  14. How do I protect my LUA scripts and game models from being manipulated by the users ? Can leadwerks load assests from password protected zip files ?
  15. @cassius: Thank you for the confirmation.
  16. Well, I will take the satire with a bow for now. Can you please point me to the detailed documentation of LUA ? The tutorials and command reference covers C function calls mainly. Where can I find the LUA counterpart in the same detailed perspective ? So BlitzMAX is the native language for this engine ? Well since the engine itself was written using BlitzMAX, there is no wonder that it has got more access to engine core. How much will I miss regarding feature set if I am not using BlitzMAX ?
  17. Ok. I had a word with Mr. and he confirmed that SSAO has been replaced by SSDO. Now I want to confirm if I use LUA to completely to create my application or game, is there any limitations that I must accept. Or in other words - If I use only LUA instead of C do I get access to all the feature sets and tools built into the engine ?
  18. I see SSDO mentioned in this URL : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Products/le2/_/features/rendering-r10 Post-Processing Effects Leadwerks Engine supports the following effects: Volumetric light scattering ("Godrays") Screen-space directional occlusion (SSDO) High dynamic range rendering (HDR) Near and far depth of field (DOF) Edge anti-alias Bloom Underwater effects But in the framework command set - http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/command-reference/framework/ Leadwerks Framework is a set of commands of the Leadwerks Engine to handle advanced rendering techniques. It allows many post-processing effects to be combined without interfering with one another. Features easy straight forward setup and managing for these effects: Distance fog Skyboxes HDR / Iris adjustment Bloom Antialias Near and far depth-of-field (DOF) Volumetric light scattering (God rays) Screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) Transparency and refraction. Water with reflection, refraction, physics, and full-screen underwater effects. SSAO is mentioned and the command for enabling SSAO is SetSSAO. My question is what is the command for enabling SSDO ?
  19. If I am unable to upgrade to LE 3, my license for LE 2 will remain valid forever - right or wrong ?
  20. Regarding buying the engine license or Mr. getting angry ?
  21. Now this is outrageous! He is the creator after all. He deserves some dignity man. You do not want him to get angry do you ? If you make him angry like that he will make the price for LE3 so high that I won't be able to buy the license.
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