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  1. I've done a lot of searching and everywhere Leadwerks3d is mentioned, I only see reference to C++, C# and BlitzMax APIs. I just want to get explicit confirmation if a C API will still be available in LE3. I don't want to get into a serious discussion over it (everyone has their opinions on languages), but I like to avoid C++ as much as possible. Strict C works perfectly for me because I know it well, I can write high quality code using it, and mixing with Obj-C* becomes trivial, thanks to it being a strict superset of C. The only limitation comes from being restricted to compiling with GCC or Clang (Mingw-gcc in the case of LE). * My fondness for Objective-C is probably the root of my distaste for C++; they approach OOP from fundamentally opposed viewpoints, with Obj-C taking the stance of a minimal extension to C, inheriting all the existing paradigms that go with it.
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