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  1. Tried the trilinear filter does not do anything with this issue. The texture had no mipmaps and I replaced it with one which has and still the same issue (also converted the normal map to one with mipmaps). In general this issue seems very apparent and makes the final results look bad. Don't get me wrong , I am loving this engine so far! It is logical, well designed and easy to use and open, however please have a look at this issue as I think it is a simple fix.
  2. Here is the Screenshot You can clearly see the Point sampling, (This I think is an incorrect implementation of Anisotropic filtering rather then being Point sampled) I have tested this on three systems with nVidia and ATI cards.
  3. Perhaps the Developer of Leadwerks can help me on this, as I am looking at purchasing this so far great Engine! upping the Anisotropic sampling is not the solution I was asking for. How can we set the far / near sampling Mipmapping to linear mode? I can attach a screenshot to clarity if required, thanks again!
  4. Thanks everyone for their help! The problem is I like to play most video files not just the ones compressed with theora as I am interested in doing a Video playback application of some sort. Can this be possible with ffmpeg?
  5. Just wondering how one would go about adding Video (perhaps via ffmpeg or libvlc) to a texture, has anyone done this yet?
  6. Oh yes I reallize that but this is not what I mean. It looks like the far magfilter is set to Point sample not miplinear. From all the samples I have seen in this engine it seems this is set like that in all their texture samplers. This must be changed as it looks real bad.
  7. Hi, Looking at the samples all the textures look pointsampled, cannot see Mipmapping? it is obvious in the far mipmaps, is there a way to fix this?
  8. Is it possible to do native side by side 3d mode with leadworks. I've been using iZ3d drivers that do this, but only for directx applications. I'm very impressed with leadworks, and will be purchasing a license soon, but this feature is very important for my application. I have not looked into all the details of leadworks yet, if someone could tell me, would it be a trivial task to render the final scene from two seperate cameras( L&R view ) then show it as two seperate quads side by side on the screen? (This would be a great native feature if possible) Cheers, Jay
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