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  1. i've done all of this, but making a normal map out of this is not working for me at all... i got the texturing down, just not the normal map.
  2. not having any luck at all... or skill i should say. i see how you're supposed to do it, but i think i'm missing a step
  3. damn. mind if i zip and send? i must be doing something wrong so much fail on my behalf.
  4. no, i mean after you convert them, sorry i should have been more specific.
  5. mmk, so i've fixed my problem all thanks to macklebee, but now, i'm wondering how i'd apply normal maps? from what i understand, it's pretty much the same thing except you add the texture as a dds and then convert to mat then add the normal map as a dds and then convert to mat then maybe a displacement map and do the same... but that's how leadwerks 3.0 is starting to look from what i saw on the youtubes.
  6. yeah, that's what i do, but for some reason everytime i shut down my computer, it logs me out and i can never get back in... dont know why.
  7. sorry, by trial, i meant like trying to import to leadwerks with texture, not like a free 30 day trial lol. i can't post stuff onto here because for some reason when i turn off my computer, it logs me out of the leadwerks website and then when i try to sign back in, it wont allow me. that's why i haven't been on the forums for too long, because i have to make a new account every time.
  8. i have all of these. the mesh has been converted to gmf and the textures converted to dds and mat. i dont see what i'm doing wrong here. and i've read a lot of the leadwerks user guide. i really like it and have learned a lot from it, but textures are just not working for me. i believe textures start on page 96 or 97. dont remember which one.
  9. OK, i just exported as .fbx and converted textures to.dds, but came up with the most strange thing ever. my mesh is a glowing reddish color and the mesh's head is grey with numbers, symbols and letters on it. i'm just gonna take this as progress because i've never gotten color into the editor until now.
  10. i apologize for the stupidity of this comment because i am very very new to script, but i'm assuming that the animation material link you sent me was saying that i should apply these textures to the mesh via script in the editor? if i'm wrong or right, it was a total accident, and either way, it was stupid.
  11. but it supports textures. what i really want is a textured character. don't care if it has an animation or not. and if you're using Autodesk, i have that, and i'll use that instead. ...or does it support textures? if not, that's just a really bad move on my part. but either way, when i export as .fbx, it does not include textures, but for some reason it has a big red material on it.
  12. what do you use? i'll download and then use it.
  13. from blender. either .fbx or .obj is fine. just as long as it has textures.
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