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Everything posted by Ma-Shell

  1. Well, seems like you were right... Though I couldn't find the option. I think, this should have been communicated way better since it was one main point that keept me from pledging for a long time (I ended up biting the bullet and payed via creditcard).
  2. Nope, Kickstarter doesn't accept PayPal. Only Creditcards!
  3. @LightLadyT: Since LE3 uses lightmapping most of the lighting has to be calculated before running the game. Did you use "Tools -> Calculate Lighting" after you changed something in the scene? Or do you mean, you can't change anything inside the demo scene? In that case you might try starting the editor as admin (this problem might occurr if you installed LE e.g. to your program files-folder instead of C:/Leadwerks and have the UAC set active)
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