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Everything posted by tcmodder

  1. Well your thinking well im asking about witch engine is best on an engine cpmpanys forum so there gonna say LE is the best.But take my word i have been through all kinds of trials and demos and decided on hundreds of engines at one time.But once i got the evaluation kit to work on my computer from LE i knew it was for me.It is amazing.Also the tutorials that come with this forum and other forums has helped me a bunch in learning code in only 30 days lol(my trial).So LE is for you.It works great and i would recommend it for anyone.
  2. Well yes i did say i bought it but i havent yet.Haha.I only said i did cause i figured if i told you that im still on trial then you would be like well hes a noob so i added the i bought it.But i havent im still on the trial i have to buy it soon my trial runs out soon and i love the engine haha.Also it is an amazing deal.But i will for sure register to private forums as soon as my trial runs out. PS:its a deal with my dad if i can show that leadwerks engine is good with in my 30 day trial he will buy it for me.HAHA
  3. Ok is it possible for me to use c# code in with leadwerks engine.If so how do i setup visual c#?Do i do just like the video shows in visual c++?Thanks
  4. LOL i feel so dumb ha i do have that on line 13 i wasnt looking close enough.Oh im so dumb. Edit:darn didnt fix it.Well next thing rotate on y axis.Well woot woot it fixed it.Well the combination of changing the value and the y rotate fixed it.Thanks so much guys.Also you have to have .055 and rotate the y axis for the roads to aline.I took the code back to .005 and rotating the y axis done nothing.Thanks so much guys ily lol. PS:What the heck do you have an undo in this engine.LOL.If so what keys is it?It usually is ctrl z but well it does nothing.If you all dont have one that is a forsure needs to be in it...
  5. Alright i figure that.But i still dont understand why my roads are being the way they are,messing my terrain up and making thee road blocky.Whats going on? PS:whats and ideal frame rate?
  6. carlb thanks for the info.... Also i took a look and well seems as though i already have 2.31 i thought i didnt but to my amazement i do.LOL.Oops.So i wander whats my problem.Could it still be i need to adjust the direction the node faces?Also i noticed when i loaded the dessert test map that only half the road shows up.Whats wrong with my engine could i be missing drivers?Do i need to reinstall something?Please help..
  7. Wooha!What?I thought i had to pay $50 to upgrade?How do i upgrade?!!!
  8. Hmm darn.I dont have $50 dollars right now to update but hey you dont know how to fix it in 2.3 do you?
  9. Doesnt do a think. Lumooja I cant find that code on line 13.I got into the file road_node.lua but what you said to change is not on that line 13 i cant find it in that file???
  10. Ok i have been working on a map.Once i get done making my road by dragging nodes to were i want the road and then press form land to roads or whatever that option is it makes the road very open around corners.Were ever a corner or turn is its like only half a road and is like broken apart.Also the terrain like deforms and makes huge holes or huge pointy spots realy high.Whats going on when i tryed to make a road with the dessert map that comes with the engine it worked amazing real smooth why not in my map?? See what i mean..
  11. Thanks fixed it!!!Woot now i get it.Thanks
  12. Hello, I tested out the trial for this program and it was by far my best decision out of all the game engines for making driving games...so i went ahead and bought it for the price of $200 i couldnt beat that deal!!!In the trial my nodes would drag from the object viewer at the right but now that i bought it im having major issues.I cant drag nodes.I can with out a terrain but as soon as i add a terrain and try to add a road node the node wont drag.It just dont pop up its dont show in the object viewer that there is a node in the perspective like node1,node2 etc.Whats going on im not sure i understand?
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