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  1. I'm working on a game engine and winging it as i go along, now i realize this leaves me open for flack from the more seasoned programmars here, but i figured it best to start somewear and go on the advice that people can offer. And if they can provide test code, it will give me something to go on, an encentive. I've started work on the engine but i've hit a snag. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { /*Initializes the main world, before loading entities, physics, etc...*/ int WORLD_MAIN; /*Initializes the default physics designed for the game*/ int INITIALIZE_PHYSICS; /*Initializes the environment, sounds, lights, wind, water splashing, etc..*/ int INITIALIZE_ENVIRONMENT; /*Initializes the world, after checking to makesure everything is in it's default place*/ int INITIALIZE_WORLD; /*Initializes the shaders in the world*/ int INITIALIZE_SHADERS; /*Initializes the scenery, after first initializing world_main, physics, environment, world, shaders, then scenery.*/ int INITIALIZE_SCENERY; /*Initializes the camera in the game*/ int INITIALIZE_CAMERA; /*Initializes the game sound and audio in the game*/ int INITIALIZE_AUDIO; /*The idea for this part of the code, is to create a checker. Which checks through WORLD_MAIN for any errors It's also the first file to be initialized when executing. So this line of code might be edited to fit it's purpose*/ cout << "This may take a few minutes, please be patient\n"; cin >> WORLD_MAIN; cin.ignore(); cout << "Ready!" << WORLD_MAIN; << "\n"; cin.get(); } This code more specifically. /*The idea for this part of the code, is to create a checker. Which checks through WORLD_MAIN for any errors It's also the first file to be initialized when executing. So this line of code might be edited to fit it's purpose*/ cout << "This may take a few minutes, please be patient\n"; cin >> WORLD_MAIN; cin.ignore(); cout << "Ready!" << WORLD_MAIN; << "\n"; cin.get(); The idea behind that specific line of code, is to create an initializer. That checks to see if all the variables are set to their default setting. I think what I'm doing currently is only setting the code up to paste some text to the command screen, this code will be changed if I'm forgetting some variables or integers.
  2. Cant seem to access other parts of the forum, is it because im only using the evaluation software and not the actual software it self?
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