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Everything posted by lukhns

  1. Will this bug be fixed? or has anyone found a stable solution? I thought maybe it would be fixed in the next build, but im still unable to compile on OSX using AddHook with a void pointer.
  2. The update looks really great. I can't see any lightvectormap.tex though. I see normal.tex, Lightmap.tex and lightvectormap.png, but no lightvectormap.tex Edit: physics are much improved in this build!
  3. Is there any fix for this? I am having the same issue but on a model. The texture is 512*512 and contains transparency, material blend mode is set to alpha and appears fine in the 'viewer' but not in the engine.
  4. Once purchased do we need to fill out a request to access the iOS / android forums? I have my upgraded key but the forum still shows as 'Protected'
  5. Offline documentation would be great for me. Sometimes I need to prototype an idea off-site (No guaranteed net connection) I've downloaded the entire website for now. But I would happily pay extra for a digital (offline) reference book or similar.
  6. System::AddHook(System::LoadMapEntityHook,myfunc) sounds perfect for my use, thanks for the strait answer Josh
  7. Could anyone explain the same principle for C++? I have entity's in the editor but am not sure how to reference these same entities from the API
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