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Everything posted by VeTaL

  1. Just downloaded vehicle_monstertruck, tested it - it is still floating in the air and dont want to fall down.
  2. Zip data error... nothing good
  3. Emm.. maybe i'm mising something, but looking like viperscout is in Private folder, so i cant use it? I'm using 2.4, for now i'm making clean install to be sure i make everything right.
  4. What a strange: when engine generates phy-files for static buildings (like tower: i just deleted phy-file of the tower, so engine generates new one) - its okay. But when i delete vehicle_monstertruck.phy so engine would generate new one - car is just floating in the air.(http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2653-vechicle-model-problem/page__p__24495__fromsearch__1#entry24495)
  5. I just need to setup those tires parameters: in my case OR car jumps like boat in the storm on the ressources (between wheel and body, so wheels are on the ground) , OR jumps in the same way, but wheels are sometimes got underground.
  6. It is floating in the air... Looking like it have old phy-files, and i cant generate new one, because i haven't obj-file (gmf2obj dont work properly: it just generates 47 bytes of code)
  7. Can anybody offer the simplest car physic demo?
  8. VeTaL


    //3) parse the scene and set all objects with the name "GeneratedModel" to have a collisiontype of 2 and use the collisions.lua file to set the response... Ahh.. maybe "collisiontype"="2" dont work, because scene is just loaded, not parsed
  9. VeTaL


    PS:i tested 2 phy-files: first one is box, that i created yesterday, another one is convex hull The fps is almost the same: with boxes there is 51.34 fps, with convex 51.33 PPS: continuing FPS theme, look here: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2671-just-one-more-interesting-thing-with-fps/
  10. I have a maze (see screenshots). When camera looks only at the wall, i have 46 FPS When camera looks at the level from the same position, where there are much more entities to render, cull and so on, i have 67 FPS
  11. VeTaL


    //Yes, now player collides with something, but looking like BBox larger then model in about 5 times.... so, i debug i can see Bbox that i made (as on screenshot above), but player cant come near to the model like Bbox 5 times larger... wth That was a key: as map generator was written by another person, i didnt notice that he scale down models... so, collision box was larger than visual body But, there is still a question, why there isnt collisions without LUA: tower is generated ad saved as Model { path="tower_Form2.gmf" position=-33.000000,0.000000,110.000000 rotation=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 scale=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 id=22979576 "class"="Model" "collisiontype"="2" "intensity"="1.0000000000000000" "name"="GeneratedModel" } player is EntityType(_player,3); level is TEntity scene=LoadScene(_SCENE_FILE_NAME_); collisions are Collisions(2,3,1); Collisions(3,2,1); and LUA files are renamed from wall.lua to !wall.lua to disable it See models and level in attachment TestScene.rar
  12. VeTaL


    //and the bounding box has nothing to do with collision... Sorry, i meaned collision box Looking like some problems while generating level: sbx file is generated by labyrinth generator, i think problem is there. I'll upload example of map and tower in nearest time.
  13. VeTaL


    i re-generate phy-files (just delete my, so new one would generate), but effect is the same... idk what it is...
  14. VeTaL


    btw, in editor its okay: size of bbox is correct also: how it can work, if script says that "SetKey("collisiontype","2")" and in my code i do say nothing about collision type 2...
  15. VeTaL


    Yes, now player collides with something, but looking like BBox larger then model in about 5 times.... so, i debug i can see Bbox that i made (as on screenshot above), but player cant come near to the model like Bbox 5 times larger... wth
  16. Okay, maybe we would take another car... but what about "swiming"? Can you recomend something?
  17. VeTaL


    Yep, i use framework and LUA: //Set Lua variable BP L=GetLuaState(); lua_pushobject(L,framework); lua_setglobal(L,"fw"); lua_pop(L,1); Also, i run level in Editor - still no collisions
  18. VeTaL


    //try it without the Collisions(1,0,1) and the Collisions(0,1,1)... There is no collisiontype zero. I tried, but result is the same. //but as long as the PHY file has the exact same name as the model it will automatically load... Yep, even more: as i change phy files, i can see another shape in physic debug, so they may be loaded correctly. //For bodies to collide they need to be inside the world (link) But character collides with terrain, so collisions may work. //also in LE, I believe controllers are usually collisiontype 3 (COLLISION_CHARACTER)... Changed to EntityType(_player,3); and Collisions(1,3,1); Collisions(3,1,1); Still the same
  19. VeTaL


    Again problems... What a bad day... I load level with that towers TEntity scene=LoadScene(_SCENE_FILE_NAME_); EntityType(scene, 1); enable collisions Collisions(1,1,1); Collisions(1,0,1); Collisions(0,1,1); // just for sure load player and set Type for him _player = CreateController(1.8,0.4,0.5,45.01); EntityType(_player,1); SetBodyDamping(_player,0.0); SetBodyMass(_player,1); but still dont have collisions with walls... //That way I never make any collision shapes in code. Why not: you know parameters of the BBox, so you can create the same box in code. Btw, it would be nice to load phy-files.
  20. First problem: this model loads without warnings, but i cant see textures. Second problem: i load this car with AddVehicleTire(_car,Vec3(-1,0,1.7),0.5,-0.4); AddVehicleTire(_car,Vec3(1,0,1.7),0.5,-0.4); AddVehicleTire(_car,Vec3(-1,0,-1.4),0.5,-0.4); AddVehicleTire(_car,Vec3(1,0,-1.4),0.5,-0.4); car is jumping like swiming on the sea
  21. VeTaL


    //I see no reason for not using convexs everywhere. Why? Wouldnt it be more hard for Newton? As i have middle-age wall in box and convex - in convex there are a lot of useless vertices. I just do as you reccomend: i enable physics debug in editor, generate new phy-file from box and see what i get in editor by adding model.
  22. VeTaL


    I did the same in Newton For 3DGameStudio wrapper... Maybe, i'll do the same for community and me tomorrow B)
  23. VeTaL


    Yep, btw, i have an idea to create a template-folder with some templates: LUA+SKY, character controller, FPS camera, TPS camera and so on. But, in general, i wish to have an option "build phy-file by bounding-box"
  24. VeTaL


    I think, it would be nice to create Phy-body from bounding box of the mesh. Okay, macklebee, thanks, i'm going to play with that variables (not with my balls, as somebody from ball demo said xD ).
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