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  1. because I use it in unity and makes building rooms and corridors easy I also like lua I know there are csgs in leadwerks it would be more easy with Boolean don't be so surprised I have been around computers since the early eighties
  2. josh I only thing I want to see in leadwerks is Boolean it would make it perfect for me
  3. it looks like I will not using leadwerks again because when i click on the software it stops responding i asked about exchange and i got no reply thanks mr clint no need to reply
  4. would it be possible to exchange my steam 3'2 for stand alone version just asking if not possible that's ok
  5. I deleted 3.2 steam from my computer now I can not get it back been on steam but it does not work were it says use now it comes up with exe file missing how do I get it back any one help
  6. Do you mean how to install the blender /mdl exporter as a plugin? that is what I mean
  7. I was wondering if any one was going to do a video tutorial for blender exporter I know there are written instructions but not very good on written instructions hope you can understand
  8. I have no workshop browser I have all the others
  9. I purchased the steam version were do I find my steam key
  10. I hear people talking about getting models from the workshop what is it and were do you find it
  11. I would like to volunteer james1943
  12. could some one from the beta invite me in please
  13. what is this I have 3.1 steam edition how do I get it. this is the best way I can think of to ask about it
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