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  1. Hi, How to replace the standard window, on to any other window or object ?. For rendering engine.
  2. Cursor in the middle because you are using the function: MouseMove(X,Y); Try to do a background check: bool showMenu; //Loop if(showMenu){ ShowMouse(); } else { HideMouse(); MouseMove(X,Y); } Show cursor: ShowMouse();
  3. TSurface surf = GetSurface(TMesh mesh, long index=1); PaintSurface(surf, TMaterial material=NULL) or PaintSurface(GetSurface(TMesh mesh, long index=1), TMaterial material=NULL); http://www.leadwerks...ference/meshes/ http://www.leadwerks...rence/surfaces/
  4. Really very interesting, comfortable and functional. Thank you.
  5. The question is solved Class: void TempFunction(){} void (*TempCallback)(); void onClick(void (*callback)()); void TGuiButton::Create(...) { TempCallback = TempFunction; } void TGuiButton::onClick(void (*callback)()) { TempCallback = callback; //TempCallback(); } User function: void TestClick() { Terminate(); } .onClick(&TestClick);
  6. Please help me with an example, to replace the function of the class - the user function. There is a class: class TGuiButton { private: int x,y,width,height; string title; int MouseIn(TVec2 start, TVec2 dimensions); bool IsClick; bool buf1,buf2; TEntity buf; void * TempFunction; //To call the user function. public: string SoundEnter; string SoundLeave; string SoundClick; string TextureUp; string TextureHover; string TextureDown; bool Sounds; bool Enabled; bool Visible; void Create(int _x, int _y, int _width, int _height, string _title); void onClick(void *callback); //Function for replace. void Update(); void Delete(); }; .... void TGuiButton::onClick(void *callback) { //????? } .... And call a user function with TempFunction;
  7. Why does not work this method? Without checking the name, works with all objects, that are currently in contact with the object. void _stdcall EntityCollisionCallback( TEntity entity0, TEntity entity1, byte* position, byte* normal, byte* force, flt speed ) { if(GetEntityKey(entity1,"name")=="test_box") { HideEntity(entity1); } } //Entity box SetEntityKey(test_box, "name","test_box"); //Controller SetEntityKey(Controller, "name","controller"); SetEntityCallback(Controller,(byte*)EntityCollisionCallback,ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION);
  8. Hi, there is a character "name=controller" and the object box "name=box_test". How to determine the collision with box?, and then perform the desired action.
  9. This font ? http://xfont.ru/font/%D1%88%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%84%D1%82_StudioRegular_8644.htm Click to download button СКАЧАТЬ
  10. Do not judge me harshly , this is my first experience with C++
  11. I used this code: //Animation //Jumping jump = 0.0; isJump = false; if(KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)) { if (!ControllerAirborne(Controller)) { jump=8.0; isJump = true; } } if(KeyDown(KEY_W)) { sequence = 2; Angle = -180; } else if(KeyDown(KEY_S)) { sequence = 2; Angle = -0; } else if(KeyDown(KEY_A)) { sequence = 2; Angle = -90; } else if(KeyDown(KEY_D)) { sequence = 2; Angle = -260; } else { sequence = 1; } // if(KeyDown(KEY_W) && KeyDown(KEY_A)) { Angle = -140; } else if(KeyDown(KEY_W) && KeyDown(KEY_D)) { Angle = 140; } else if(KeyDown(KEY_S) && KeyDown(KEY_A)) { Angle = -40; } else if(KeyDown(KEY_S) && KeyDown(KEY_D)) { Angle = 40; } //Run if(KeyDown(KEY_W) && KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) || KeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT)) { sequence = 3; speed = 6; } else if(KeyDown(KEY_S) && KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) || KeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT)) { sequence = 3; speed = 6; } else if(KeyDown(KEY_A) && KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) || KeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT)) { sequence = 3; speed = 6; } else if(KeyDown(KEY_D) && KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) || KeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT)) { sequence = 3; speed = 6; } else { speed = 4; }
  12. Test Animation: http://youtu.be/fPZJuwmyNPI
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