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Wild Cat

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  1. Strange things happens. Sometimes.
  2. I did it. In Material Editor nothing changes. In model viewer too. For packing i'm using DirectX Texture Tool, is it okay? But why I could not see any shader effect in editor or model viewer? P.S. Also, I tried using shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_parallax.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular_pom.frag". P.P.S. I think, something wrong is with light, or model. Soon I'll try another model.
  3. Thank all of you! No more questions.
  4. I like to know two things: 1) What is userdata: binary section. 2) Where is an information about connected lua scripts? In gmf file?
  5. Okay, but I thought Josh has all specifications. As an engine developer.
  6. Here it is: http://rapidshare.com/files/414936383/ceramics_02.zip
  7. Hello! Could anybody helps me with specs of scene files: *.sbx. I opened one of them in notepad and have made a preview of specs: SBX_ASCII_1.0 cameraposition=<Vec3(<campos>)> camerarotation=<Vec3(<camrot>)> Model { path=<String(<name of the gmf file>)> position=<Vec3(<Position>)> rotation=<Vec3(<Rotation>)> scale=<Vec3(<Scale>)> id=<Integer(<id>)> ["<parameter1>"="value1" "<parameter2>"="value2" "<parameter3>"="value3" **] } ** //Any times, you need Terrain { /Crazy stuff/ } //Once (?)
  8. 1) I have made an alpha channel to all textures. Compression is dxt5. Nothing changed. 2) In ADN I have an error: 3) Tommorow I'll try to use POM.FRAG. P.S. If anybody wants, I could upload a material file with textures.
  9. Good evening! I have a little problem. Our artist have made a building. I tried to set up parallax shader in some materials. But I could see parallax effect only in material editor. Screenshots from editor and material editor is here:
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