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Everything posted by Rastar

  1. Regarding object creation parameters: Actually, another thing that I find cumbersome is the fact that I can't specify a CSG's size in input boxes. Yes, I can modify the scale, but to create a box of, say 10x10x1, I would have to draw that in (two different) viewports. My preferred way would be: 1) Right click on parent -> Create->Primitive->Box => creates a default 1x1x1 box. Focus is on the first of the (new) size input fields. 2) Enter target size 10 Tab 10 Tab 1 Enter By the way, currently I always have to hit the Tab key twice to move to the next field, once would be nicer.
  2. It might already have been posted in one of the many Editor Workflow posts, but just to be sure ;-) I still find the using "Objects" tab for creating entities too cumbersome. I really would prefer an extension to the context menu in the scene tab with entries for "Create->Primitives->Box", "Create->Compound->Arch" etc. The objects would be created as a child of the currently selected object. Copy & Paste in this menu would be great, too.
  3. I'm facing similar issues, and I think it might have something to do with the hierarchical structure of models. I tried the following: 1) Create a CSG box -> Navmesh is generated (for the generated box, "Navigation obstacle" is checked right after creation) 2) Create a pivot and move the CSG box as a child under the pivot -> navmesh still there 3) Uncheck the "Navigation obstacle" -> navmesh gone 4) Check "Navigation obstacle" (on box or pivot, doesn't matter) -> navmesh still not visible. 5) Move the CSG box under root again, uncheck and check "Navigation obstacle" -> navmesh back again Since models are imported with a parent-child relation (SKIN_MESH, then the model) and with the obstacle box unchecked, they're facing those problems "by default".
  4. Sorry for bumping this thread, but... Is there anything special I have to do to activate pathfinding? I have imported models, generated a phy shape for them (or just used a boxes for some) and attached it to them. But whenever I activate "View->Show Navigation" there is no navigation mesh visible. I tried checking the "Navigation obstacle" flag on the objects, but to no avail. Oh, and by the way: There is a new numeric "Character" input box below "Collision type" that I can't find in the docs - what is that?
  5. Well, meshes and maybe materials should be instanced, but their assignments don't have to be unique. If I change the base model and assign materials to it (e.g. in the LE material editor) those changes should apply to all of its children, but if I change a child (in the viewport) that shouldn't propagate to its parent (and thereby all children). I do forfeit the advantages of instancing, if I have to copy the model (with exactly the same geometry) just because I want to assign a different material to it.
  6. It seems that materials applied to one copy? instance? of a model in the viewport are always applied to all copies? instances? of it in the map, which is awkward. I am using some wall + floor meshes (Steve's Sci-Fi interior pack, btw) and I would like to apply different materials to those pieces, depending on where they are used. Yes, I could copy the model, but that shouldn't be neccessary and would be a waste of resources.
  7. +1 for pathfinding: How to use the generated navigation meshes, and how to integrate this system with additional AI (e.g. waypoints) +1 for loading/saving game levels
  8. From your description, I am not completely sure what you already have and what you still need. Anyway, to my understanding the current status/workflow for terrain in Leadwerks 3 is as follows: There currently is no heightmap-based terrain feature in Leadwerks 3, it is on the roadmap for version 3.0, though. Right now you would have to convert your terrain to a mesh and use that. Terrain generation tools like World Machine can export the heightfield as a mesh. afecelis has created a nice tutorial (http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6555-tutorial-blender-for-leadwerkers-and-other-3d-buffs/page__st__20#entry55569 , #09) for working with heightmaps in Blender. You can save several tiles of your terrain grid in your model folder and load them on demand. Expect to have some issues (cracks etc) along the borders, though, especially if you've converted heightmap tiles to meshes. It's not easy to make seamless tiling. What kind of choppiness are you experiencing? Is your heightmap resolution low? You could then maybe use normalmaps to give them a smoother appearance. If your noise generators produce choppy terrains you'll have to play with their parameters, or again you might think about using a terrain generator like World Machine, Grome or L3DT, they have for example realistic erosion functions that can also smooth the heightfield.
  9. Sorry, my post was confusing: What I meant was "until the end of April 30th" or "just before May 1st", Californian time (do you guys already have daylight savings time, 'cause we do?)
  10. And the upgrade discount is only valid until today (May 1st, that is)
  11. I just know that Ogre3D uses OIS, but I haven't used it a lot, so can't comment if it's good or better than anything else: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wgois/
  12. Rastar

    My Whacky Moles

    Rick, congrats too! Just got this, very nice and inspiring!
  13. Now with the GDC being over, is there a rough schedule for the next releases, especially the feature-complete 3.0 including terrain? And is the approximate road map that was presented here a few weeks ago still valid?
  14. Don't aim for the stars and choose a scope that is too big ("key game development topics", "C++ programming"). Also have a clear vision of your target group (complete game dev newbie? familiar with some other game engine? LE2 veteran migrating to Leadwerks 3?). Personally, I would favor (as kennan suggested) tutorials that simply extend the somewhat sparse API docs with examples. If they create a complete demo game in the end - nice. But a stand-alone physics tutorial, for example, that simply deals with falling boxes and the like but covers the relevant API would be as helpful.
  15. There is a download link for the beta on the Homepage: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/home?showbanner=0. At the moment you can only purchase Leadwerks 3 if you have a LE2 license, otherwise you'll have to wait for the public launch (end of April).
  16. My understanding: LE2 licensees can purchase LE3 at the reduced price of $199 (Win/Mac) and $99 (Android and iOS add-ons) until April 30th, after which the price will return to normal (whatever that is). You're getting the beta right now, as well as the official Leadwerks 3.0 at no additional costs. Features on the roadmap for 3.0 (like terrain) with be supplied as a free update. Future upgrades (3.1, 3.2 etc) will cost an upgrade fee, which is unkown as of now but might fall in the 20-60% range of the license cost (if that's meant to be based on the reduced price or the "normal" price isn't known as well).
  17. Sorry, simple question: Why do the normal maps in LE3 look red (both imported as well as generated ones). I am familiar with blueish or sometimes greenish ones, depending if the y or z axis is up. But red?
  18. You first have to get it open (e.g. by opening an existing script) and then click on the new icon (or File->New). I guess it would be more intuitive if you could directly open the Script Editor via the Tools menu
  19. I get a build error in ADT Android NDK: ERROR:C:\Leadwerks\Projects/DarknessAwaits/Projects/Android/jni/Android.mk:leadwerks: LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file Android NDK: Check that /Engine/Library/Android/libleadwerks.a exists or that its path is correct C:/Leadwerks/ADT/ndk/build/core/prebuilt-library.mk:43: *** Android NDK: Aborting . Stop. It seems $(Leadwerks) isn't set?
  20. Watch out, noob questions...: 1) After impoerting a normal map into Leadwerks 3, it's getting a reddish taint. Is LE3 flipping channels? 2) What exactly are the file naming conventions for the material generator to pick up normal and specular maps? In the docs it's mentioning 'dot3', a scrrenshot shows the normal map with '_n' and the spec with '_s'. A suggestion: It would be great if you could drag 'n drop the normal and specular textures from the asset explorer into the slots in the material editor. Even better if you could do that from the file system with an automatic import in between!
  21. Josh was mentioning something here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/5987-le-3-question/#entry51770
  22. Hope this is the right place for some wishes / improvements for the CSG editing: As an example, suppose I want to create a unit cube. 1) I click on the cube primitve in the toolbar (OK). 2) Now, why can't I just draw it in the perspective view? Instead I have to draw it in one of the planar viewports. Or actually, in two to make it 1x1x1. 3) When starting to draw, it doesn't show the size. I first have to finish drawing something to see its size and can then resize it. That feels awkward. 4) The fields in the object's general tab should be navigable using the tab key. I have to click into every single field to change its value. 5) Personally, I would also prefer some fields for the object's size (in addition to the scale). My preferred workflow would be a) create unit cube (by drag'n'dropping from the toolbar, or by simply clicking in one of the viewports). To create a room floor, e.g., I would then simply enter the planned size, that would be much quicker than drawing it with the mouse. 6) I still find it uncomfortable to have to click on "Create" on the right - why? Selecting the Cube primitive should get me in creation mode, clicking in the viewport gives me my new cube - done!
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