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  1. I wanna see some previews of your entries. Back when I was active on blender forums we used to have these sort of things and people were generally pro active with posting previews and with giving each other technical advice and encouragement online. Makes it funner to watch too ^^
  2. uh...I want to make sure you've done it correctly, so that uh, you don't have any issues with it in the future, mind if I check your methods for you? free of charge of course
  3. Well it protects from rug burns, but other than that no. Charm magician is intended to be a high skill mechanic, high risk high reward. If you think the game's too hard you can put on some real armor but don't expect to be able to use Charm spells effectively that's embarrassing to see you say, but thanks =p it's a struggle for me, it's never been easy but it's fun though
  4. Instead of posting too many pics and pushing other people's post off of the latest page I will post and SPAM here when I feel like it. So here is a reference deformation I made for one of the Charm spells in the game. I won't describe too much about the spell because any self respecting RPG designer keeps their battle system's particulars secret until the last minute. Well I may not be self respecting, and I may not be an RPG designer, but...wait where was I going with this? Oh ya, spamming you. She's wearing Frilly Spandex (armor) which enhances the potency of Charm abilities. Oh yeah, no hands yet. Notes about the animation is that each attack/spell animation will be short and sweet and to the point. If you want to know what I mean by that, you can contrast the battle animations of Shin Megami Tensei : Nocturne vs say Final Fantasy summoning techniques. All in all this particular spell would animate for about 2 seconds but I think the pose gets the point across about what's happening.
  5. Dewin Stuff - Defective Cosplay Sword - $172.00 USD equip requirements : Strength 6 and Dexterity 3 as 2Handed, Strength 14 and Dexterity 9 as 1Handed. Stats : Attack = 10 // All would be successful attacks damage the wielder instead. Flavor Text = "On the bright side, all the blood from your self inflicted wounds will make it look a lot more authentic" OR "Kamehame-aaHHHHHOOW"
  6. let me give u your first Like also, everybody around here likes me and pays *serious* attention to all of my opinions. That's the most important thing to remember if you're trying to fit in
  7. It's fun to try and guess: I think he is trying to use the light and texture information from the rendering loop in order to draw something else on top of it, thereby creating a new psuedo dimensional space that is both orthographically projected in how it is handled internally, yet at the same time bending to the light and texture values of the Leadwerks 3d space. I think with this technique you could get a whole butt load of crazy effects or even track the orthographic input in such a way as to work some sort of logic mechanics based off of it fun to guess
  8. It's supposed to be a horn but I haven't sculpted it yet because that part of the mesh has been stretched too far, so for now I just have it there to suggest his silouhette to myself for later, same as his ears and so on Decided to add one more: Frilly Spandex - $42.39 USD equip requirements : Female, Charisma 3 or above, Confidence 7 or above Stats : Defense = 1, Empowers Charm Spells ( + 2 when cast) Flavor Text = "be the life of the party, your RPG party that is" OR "no party is complete without its slutty, slutty mage" OR "more coverage than ***-less chaps"
  9. He's for the practice game I'm making - and if I learn enough while the practice game is decent enough I'll want to make it into an actual game.
  10. If shadmar is gonna post then so will I =p He's still really rough. But I'll show him to you guys anyway. Atm I'm sculpting his butt so yay I'm off to look at pictures of body builders in thongs. Then I'm gonna stare at Sylvester Stallone and Hugh Jackman's pecks for a couple of hours. What!?!
  11. my lights icons disappear so basically i just wait on 3.1 for lighting
  12. I say do whatever you like, but the reason why simple became "good" is because back in the early nineties everyone would animate their buttons and logos on their home made sites, and people soon began to realize how counter intuitive it was to browse from one heavily animated button collection to the next also, if you decide to place an animated logo next to a series of other animated logos the effects may end up working against one another, this is where the web etiquite began to shift words what we know as modern simplicity such as this all white leadwerks back drop with a band of black at the top, in the old days it may have had scanlines and bit maps all in teh background with animated buttons and banners everywhere. in the future who knows what hte norm will become?
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