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Everything posted by Pancakes

  1. Hello, Leadwerks is a really fun and beautiful engine. I think you'll like it a lot. However you are right about the tools being less mature and comprehensive then Unity, UDK, CryEngine, or Blender. But that's okay! Because you have a great community here who does a lot of things to help each other out. I think Leadwerks is a strong choice for you to make.
  2. I agree too. Even a noober like me was aware of the indentation thing. I also think that flowgraphs would solve all these problems automatically.
  3. Maybe it's an Intel TurboBoost issue? My processor is Intel but I'm sure you knew that already.
  4. Hello. Thank you for your help! Let's see. I have done as you have instructed. But I still have the same issue. My operating system is Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit I can help you try to squash the bug with more testing and information, but please don't go out of your way just to help me.
  5. it may be a multithread issue...sorry I don't know the technical term. But when I go to task manager and set affinity from All CPUs, down to 1 CPU, then it still takes 25% of the processor but it has sped up quite a bit. It is still worth using for me. But I can hear my processor running at full tilt. I'll try to use it in short bursts.
  6. this is exceptional thank you, though I have an issue It seems to use 45% of my processor and it says that it is running at 500fps but it lags a lot to the point where it seems like it's running at 5fps. I'm not sure if I installed it wrong or something. I just copied the folder into my materials SDK folder.
  7. i saw the title and i lol'd but seeing as you mean the bouncy kind, I'm sorry I cannot help
  8. is there huge bodies of water in this game?
  9. i thought I saw a squirrel today
  10. brilliantly done tutorial. I think the most useful part for me this time is how to make your own functions and also to write and save your own Lua text files and save files with this knowledge it is possible for me to make dialogue options in my project thanks again, man
  11. how is your rig working out, I'm loving the changes I made to mine by following the tutorial so far I've been too lazy to rig the fingers like he did though, but I will eventually
  12. google is great I found your model just by searching for that quote
  13. there is no need to finalize him yet, in fact as long as your characters are consistent the "inaccuracies" aren't really inaccurate at all. It's just style then. So even though I ask others to critcise me, to be honest I don't really have any criticisms of what you've done so far, except for the edge flow which could use some improvement I think...then again maybe you can fudge it for now. Just go around and look at some of the pros.
  14. you're missing it - the reason I even have to take it to blender is because of the way the material system works, instead of being able to make materials interactively inside of the editor as is the case with every other game engine editor I've ever used (blender, visual3d, blade3d, cryengine2) you have to open up a seperate material editor, and also make sure you get the name correct, but where does the name come from? You have to name it the same thing that the (usually) diffuse texture is associated with each surface's UV ( I guess I said that right) - but the programs I used, namely 3dcoat don't comply with that rule very well - and so becasue of that I have to reassociate the diffuse with teh UV map inside of blender. In other words the extra step exists becasue of the way Leadwerks material system works and even if you take that part out of the equation it is still extremely awkward relative to say visual3d.net where if I want to test out a quick model I can just drag and drop it into a folder, it was the same with Blade3d too. Oftentime with leadwerks I just will not even test the way a model looks because it's just so awkward and annoying when u misname a mat file and then have to figure out what you did wrong. Right now I have a some white models in my editor just because I'm avoiding the whole material file hassle right now. One day I might give them a material for leadwerks. It's just not an organic feeling. Especially if you compare it to blender game engine.
  15. thank you I will give it a try Leadwerks material system is sooooo annoying. For me I export from sculptris, import the 3dcoat, import to blender, export to directory, convert using obj2gmf,create material file, name everything properly, copy to final SDK directory...test. Model shows up all white! I mess up at the blender part. Ok, export to directory again, convert again, triple check material file name, copy to final SDK directory again...test. Pray. I really hope Josh does something to make it less aannnnnnooooying.
  16. This has been super helpful to me: http://www.blendercookie.com/2010/07/30/using-the-human-meta-rig/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+Blendercookiecom+(Blender+Cookie)
  17. "cyber_col" = robot game? interesting...
  18. i recommend Blender over 3dws
  19. Josh has spoiled us. And it's a bit pricey too imo. Otherwise they couldn't just knock 150 off like that could they? I understand the mark up though. For a well funded studio $500 is like, ok. It save us this many hours so it pays for itself kind of thing.
  20. But the services that people require is strongly related to the state and definition of the software and documentation. In my mind I can't really seperate the two as someone representing the 'hobbyist' LE user, if you were interested in hobbyist data, that is. So I'll just say that in the state of the current software and docs, that none of those services that you suggest would really mean anything. And I'm thinking that other hobbyist might agree. But if you empower experience and knowledge-weak hobbyist with software and docs such services might eventually make some sense. Even if it wasn't me, I know there is some talented non-veteran out there who could show up and knock people's socks off and then they find themselves in need of these services you are asking about. Maybe I miss the entire point. if so, You can delete this post I guess.
  21. pure light costs $500!?!? Well anyway if there was a Blender plugin you would have gotten free global illumination with all the bells and whistles..for free as blender game engine already does... - I'm just sayin - don't hit me with a brick
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