lol mumbles you sound opinionated - so am I
Let me say this about final fantasy. The final fantasys that are "true" final fantasy games are the ones on super nes and playstation one.
So if you ever get bored enough to give one a try, try either final fantasy 2, 3, 7, or Tactics. If you want a story that will blow your mind I suggest going to Final Fantasy Tactics right away, then work your way backwards. I suggest tactics first because it's story presented more like a Shakespearean play than the others which are presented more like an interactive manga or anime series. Which to me is great but to you, maybe not so great. Also the combat system takes center stage and is very different than the other Final Fantasy games. I think a programmer like yourself might appreciate how involved the combat system is.
As for the legendary majesty that is Breath of Fire III, the game is about dragons yes. But Dragons are a symbol used to represent power and truth. The story is extremely deep, but only if you are receptive to it. Never once in the game does "drama" or "cinematics" hit you over the head with a stick. I, for one thought it was a dumb game when I first played it. The second time I like it. The third time I loved it. The fourth time it was my favorite game ever. Because the more you pay attention to it, the more you can see the symbolism that is used in the storylines. It's a genius game. It's a masterpiece. So if you ever get around to it, after you've played final fantasy tactics, stroll on over to breath of fire 3
If not for the final fantasy and breath of fire series there is a possibility I would have quit gaming long ago. That's how big of an influence they are to me.
Do you have a masterpiece game to suggest for me to try?