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Everything posted by Pancakes

  1. again...any help here? copying shader files doesn't work
  2. I really like it... is the orange tint from the light or the texture?
  3. lol mumbles you sound opinionated - so am I Let me say this about final fantasy. The final fantasys that are "true" final fantasy games are the ones on super nes and playstation one. So if you ever get bored enough to give one a try, try either final fantasy 2, 3, 7, or Tactics. If you want a story that will blow your mind I suggest going to Final Fantasy Tactics right away, then work your way backwards. I suggest tactics first because it's story presented more like a Shakespearean play than the others which are presented more like an interactive manga or anime series. Which to me is great but to you, maybe not so great. Also the combat system takes center stage and is very different than the other Final Fantasy games. I think a programmer like yourself might appreciate how involved the combat system is. As for the legendary majesty that is Breath of Fire III, the game is about dragons yes. But Dragons are a symbol used to represent power and truth. The story is extremely deep, but only if you are receptive to it. Never once in the game does "drama" or "cinematics" hit you over the head with a stick. I, for one thought it was a dumb game when I first played it. The second time I like it. The third time I loved it. The fourth time it was my favorite game ever. Because the more you pay attention to it, the more you can see the symbolism that is used in the storylines. It's a genius game. It's a masterpiece. So if you ever get around to it, after you've played final fantasy tactics, stroll on over to breath of fire 3 If not for the final fantasy and breath of fire series there is a possibility I would have quit gaming long ago. That's how big of an influence they are to me. Do you have a masterpiece game to suggest for me to try?
  4. @ Rick Why did you think mumbles was all depressed? @Mumbles I wish my parents had encouraged my inherent nerdiness so much that they had gotten me a ZX speccy too! But no, I just had a nintendo but we did play Oregon Trail on our Apples at school. So...kind of close...but not really I guess. Frag Dolls... isn't that kind of sexist? Can't they just call themselves the Frag Persons instead? AAAANYWAYZ A girl who likes first person shooters makes a great friend. But I want to marry a Final Fantasy fan A Breath of Fire III player? I would worship the ground she walks on.
  5. Very interesting...though I had thought that girls only cared about edutainment games and tetris clones Just kidding. But as far as you plan is concerned it's a great plan. But I have one question. Is it reinventing the wheel to make the networking side from "scratch"? I don't know anything about this stuff really I was just asking. Couldn't you use someone else's networking library and then focus your programming skills on the gameplay systems? Now of course I don't really understand what I just typed but I vaguely recall someone saying something along those lines on a forum somewhere. Ha! GL Have fun mumbles!
  6. awesome! I didn't even notice this sound and music section before
  7. I know that I used to feel the game engines "feature lust" quite a lot. But recently I've been cooling down and thinking that 'basic stuff' is really quite advanced. I still beg for flowgraphs every chance I get though.
  8. Pancakes

    Not Time

    I don't think it's applicable here =p
  9. Pancakes

    Not Time

    hahahah thanks for the support and awesome suggestions
  10. Pancakes

    Not Time

    Hello. This is my first blog entry. I am making it to test the blog thing out. And also because the past couple of days I had been sort of preoccupied with whether or not I should make a post about my actual Leadwerks project yet. I've been on the forums quite a while and yet I haven't posted a single project information. Well anyways, I have come to the conclusion that it's still quite early and not time to showcase my project right now. However, I think that may change before the end of the year. What is my project about? Think: Supernatural Squid. And girl with massive sword. That's all I'm going to say. My next blog entry will not be so vague let's hope.
  11. Does Leadwerks even need $10 million to be a great engine that gets more customers? I think that with a few key improvements and a small number of paid devs. That with a clever plan, Leadwerks can acheive greater market penetration without any of that venture capital. I said the same thing to Blade3d developers. They need to get Leadwerks inside of the schools. Get interns to help add new features. Teach new students how to use Leadwerks for game development. When they graduate at least some of them will remain loyal to Leadwerks...why wouldn't they. It's flippin ninja. And josh is a swashbucklin pirate. So everybody's happy! Anyways. Like I said. A clever plan will go much farther in today's age of open source + commercial strategic partnerships look at google, look at blender etc. To do things the AOL way is so 1990. Big, big, big. Sell, sell, sell. Instead, just make it great. And then cleverly get other people to help you make it greater in a mutually benefitial manner.
  12. Josh I think you have evaluated the situation very clearly. I was a Blade3d user and I LOVED that software. And I hate what happened with it and the founders (husband and wife) were devastated by the impartial hand of a CEO who did not share their understanding, vision, or the value of the software that had developed. Blade3d was brilliantedly designed editor that was far far ahead of its time. But the investors treated it like **** when it didn't bring the the money exactly when they wanted it to. I would hate for something like that to happen to Leadwerks. So I think your strategy of maintaining a healthy degree of independence is the RIGHT idea. It will give you the flexibility to adapt to new situations whenever you want. And honestly I don't think you really need a lot of new programmers, just 2-3 fellow geniuses should do. If you ask me, all Leadwerks needs is water, sky, cinematics, and flowgraphs. I'm the noobiest guy amongst us and that's the only added noob friendly stuff I need. You might want to make sure you aren't making a super redefined editor for no reason. Flowgraphs alone could bring in the crymod crowd who are ready to try their hand at actually owning the porgrams they code into their engine. Were you familiar wtih Blade's editor. I think that is a good editor to emulate eventually. But also, don't forget about that blender plugin hahahaha Alright, thanks for making such a great engine. I wouldn't have known what to do wtihout Leadwerks since Blade3d was destroyed from the inside the way it was. oh yeah, go ahead and make that 3.0 beta pre-purchase available I will buy it right now as long as I can afford it that is
  13. sorry...it's all for blender 2.5 but anyways, a lot of how you rig is going to be in response to your animation preferences and style as well as the movement needs of the character. Keep in mind I'm pretty sure these tutorials are intended for CG animation...so the rigs may be a little heavier than what a real time character would want to have. Me? How do I do things. Well...I do everything ghetto style pretty much. I think these vids could help you though.
  14. Pancakes


    ghost dinosaur demon angel alien dolphins from the future that talk even underwater? And they are ninjas
  15. just in time, i need this are you some kind of psychic developer? thanks again!
  16. wow awesome rstralberg, my computer isn't even put together, parts of it are not even inside the case! You should see it! but I don't have a camera
  17. Pancakes


    ha awesome! did you compose the music too? I vote I want to see dolphin
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