well that settles it I will do a texture tutorial.
The thing is there is more than one way to do this. Hmm... I usually use 3dCoat for textures. Then there is an easy, yet, unrecommended way of texturing in blender. Easy way is to UV unwrap, and then paste an image into the UV map. This would get the job done for a while but you'd soon start to look for more techniques to use.
Then there are Stencils, more which are more involved, kind of simple, but restrictive inside of blender.
Next there is Nodes painting, sort of unique to blender I think. And it is my preferred blender method. But since it's unique to blender you couldn't just look at it and then try it in another program very easily.
Blender also has projection painting. But I do not advocate this method as it's effectiveness relies heavily on the quality of the texture. I think nodes are better because even less than optimal textures can be combined to make a high quality texture for your model. But nodes are also pretty technical.
Much to think about.