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Everything posted by Pancakes

  1. This is exquisite. I'm really happy to see this project.
  2. it looks really nice! But I can't say I agree with throwing away Leadwerks shadows. Really lowering the resolution would probably be a better way to preserve low end PC performance.
  3. wow NA, you're a true pimp
  4. still using 2.31... I forget why but I'm sure there is a reason
  5. what's a game object yeah just assume that I only know how to use a mouse
  6. book learnin's fer nerds
  7. really awesome! btw, Nod32 gives virus alert on that site
  8. But Crysis has me hooked on real time =D and so does leadwerks. I like my AO to interact with every single blade of grass But in a flight simulator this makes perfect sense imo
  9. This is a little off topic. But after watching Aggror's Lua tutorials, I seems like I can even begin to understand what the C# and C++ code is doing even without taking lessons in it. Weird.
  10. Pancakes


    @ Michael Betke - lol, ouch I could respond with a balls on chin joke but this is a serious developer community last I checked @Wailingmonkey - thanks monkey!
  11. Pancakes


    thanks yo well here is the pic I posted on polycount, I haven't gotten any advice yet because the admins haven't approved my first forum post see I tried to do like wailingmonkey said and keep in mind her hair and stuff is just me preparing a volume of geometry, it's not the actual hair sculpt. I have to make some custom alpha brushes for her hair, should be fun! I'm not sure if I'm even aiming for perfection, if that was even possible, I'm just aiming for it to be something I feel good about.
  12. lol who posted that pic of a cat? Annika or Josh? wellz anyways...make sure you actually have examples Josh that's super important for people like me I think Arrrrrgh ^^ Oh but if Aggror's the one doing it there will be no problems the examples will be excellent
  13. Pancakes


    yeah I was kind of confused by the first line and was disoriented from there on But yeah, I should look at some anotomy references. Only in the past looking at them was information overload for me. But maybe I will be able to handle references at some point polycount here I come I have to take a deep breath those guys are serious(ly strong) over there lol
  14. Pancakes


    Okey doke. Just going right ahead then. Was making sure there weren't any things incorrect that just flew out and smacked anyone in the face
  15. Pancakes


    Well it's that time again: I could use some critiques. I know I need to study more anatomy and continue detail and things. But I'm just looking for another perspective on her anatomy. I think claudia is her name. Actually what you guys said about hips the last time around was really helpful as I was really blind to the exaggerated effect until it was pointed out to me. Anyway arms and ears and shoes and stuff all pretty rough. Edit: Also someone mentioned the height of the ears on the head last time too which was also something that was helpful. Thanks.
  16. I said so in the little update shout box thing. Hire Aggror. His docs are amazing. Really professional and also they work even on noobs like me. What more can you ask for?
  17. That is a GEM. That is a pretty sweet thing to say in a game/book/ or movie but probably not real life or the internet. Btw, you don't mind if I borrow some of that phrase, it was really sweet!
  18. we are not worthy! what a great video to start off the weekend! also I can actually read other people's lua scripts thanks to Aggror's tutorials where before it looked like a bunch of crazy folks writin'
  19. cool~ I needed this one too lol then i realize there is no link?
  20. well that settles it I will do a texture tutorial. The thing is there is more than one way to do this. Hmm... I usually use 3dCoat for textures. Then there is an easy, yet, unrecommended way of texturing in blender. Easy way is to UV unwrap, and then paste an image into the UV map. This would get the job done for a while but you'd soon start to look for more techniques to use. Then there are Stencils, more which are more involved, kind of simple, but restrictive inside of blender. Next there is Nodes painting, sort of unique to blender I think. And it is my preferred blender method. But since it's unique to blender you couldn't just look at it and then try it in another program very easily. Blender also has projection painting. But I do not advocate this method as it's effectiveness relies heavily on the quality of the texture. I think nodes are better because even less than optimal textures can be combined to make a high quality texture for your model. But nodes are also pretty technical. Much to think about.
  21. I see a seem going vertical and horizontal almost like someone used a poor tiling algorithem or procedure
  22. What program are you modeling with (TrueSpace i guess ) ? That can make a big difference. For instance texturing with 3dCoat is approx 1000% less difficult than with some other programs like Max and yes... even blender So I say if you want to take your texturing up a notch or two, try 3dCoat. I can do things in 3dCoat in 5 mins that would take 20 mins in photoshop or blender. And it's not just about time, it's about quality too. Trust me. You will giggle at how cool it is. Edit: And use blender instead of TrueSpace. Well that's my suggestion anyway. Btw, your use of ellipses is really hypnotizing...and I think it's catching on... But yeah, I would suggest using blender instead of true space. I know I am biased. But blender is like the Android for Google and TrueSpace is the Iphone. Droid DOES... a lot more than truespace. It's not about preference, it's about fact in this case. I didn't know you were programming and modeling. But yeah, Blender is a super sophisticated Swiss Army knife. It's the king of all swiss army knives. With blender for instance you could make your own animated normal maps for ocean waves and test them out inside of blender's game engine so that you won't have to do all that export/import just to see what it would sort of look like. You can build large portions of your game inside of blender first (in a fraction of the time and complexity it currently takes in Leadwerks - sorry it's true) and then when you have your systems worked out you can migrate it all to Leadwerks after the fact. Thus eliminated unneccessary guesswork. Well that's my battle plan anyway. ANd I was only sharing it with you to try to be helpful. that's just my suggestion to you. Do with it what you will. I will help you learn blender because I know you are a serious developer and a nice person who uses ellipses to full effect...
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