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Everything posted by Pancakes

  1. I'm drooling all over your game man, and great compass like the others say
  2. I will endeavor to understand this Andy.
  3. ok thanks, my internet handle, Kay, is my girl's name. I changed it to Pancakes (which is MY nick name) when we stopped seeing each other, I was too lazy to make a new Vimeo account. Funny thing is that if I do a texture your tree tutorial, it will involve 3dCoat as well.
  4. This is a video of me modeling a rather basic tree. Hopefully it can be helpful to a programmer or someone like that who was intimidated before about modeling to see that there are things that anyone can do in terms of modeling. Hopefully this can give you a bit more self empowerment in your project. In other words, vehicles and architecture and characters, maybe you might want to purchase those from online. But vegetation, perhaps you can begin making your own sometime. Vid: Note: If you follow the captions you will see that I kept saying you can cut new edgeloops with ctrl+P...really I mean to say ctrl+R. It was late Also I would talk but I have no mic. So I just use captions in this. Fullscreen or you wont' be able to see it I don't think.
  5. hells yeah I've seen various flowgraph implementation. I sincerely hope you completely rip off CryTek though. I mean down to the letter. Their's is the best that I know of anyway. There are many others that are either too base (C4) or two eccentric (some other proposals I've seen). CryTek's hits the mark. Pairing nodes for logic and then xml data sheets as I recall for custom variables and the like. I never say this sort of thing. But just rip em off.
  6. I think the main thing chaffing some of the older base is the way Leadwerks communicates it's news. I like the kinder cuddlier Josh since the old forums, but I think PR still needs a little love. The same way you once gave people special mod status. You should also give your base customers special support status as well. A special Leadwerks council that can advise you more on the bugs. And I think they are better release testers than most of the rest of us are anyway. I want to see you be able to keep Pixel Perfect and Red O as enthusiastic about Leadwerks as they SHOULD be.
  7. blender plugin for the win do you know how EASY it is to make triggers and occlusion bodies and physics proxies in blender... plug it in plug it in i'm making videos to show u guys whether you like it or not
  8. yeah I've been sticking with 2.31 as well though I have every release candidate also installed =D
  9. No way... how can you say that Josh? People don't buy GTX 275s just so they can turn off SSAO and godrays But still I've seen more aggresive occlusion culling in CryEngine2 and Blender game engine. I guess that's where my reference point is from. If I turn around inside of a building it seems like it draws everything beyond all the walls. But I've seen occlusion culling where that doesn't happen in the 2 engines that I mentioned in this post. To me occlusion culling is just as critical as lighting in terms of level design Honestly for my demo I'm making smaller sized scenes which is why The Zone's occlusion culling situation has kind of caught me by surprise. I don't want to sound like a broken record but I don't think it's the shaders I think the occlusion culilng isn't as awesome as it could be. I mean in Cryengine and Blender you can tell that it's working. Here it only seems to kick in when I look straight up at the ceiling. I have some time this weekend I will try to make some comparison videos to show what I mean. btw I'm not just being difficult, but the shaders don't have much effect on my machine's performance which is why I said what I said really. I gain about 3fps when I turn off SSAO and godrays. It just doesn't seem worth it to me.
  10. yeah, the performance of The Zone concerns me a little bit. Of course the details and stuff is very very high, but it seems to me as if the occlusion culling isn't performing at MAX yet. As I recall there have always been occlusion culling issues at least from a year ago. I wonder what will happen when you add 5-6 animated characters on screen at once with logic and physics. But honestly I think the real issue is the occlusion culling. I tried going inside of buildings and I never got the impression that the occlusion culing was kicking in. Blender game engine has occlusion culling, and if I walk into a building you can really tell a very obvious difference that the culling is active. Not here. And I've mentioned the occlusion culling a year ago. Hopefully this doesn't come across in a negative way I'm just stating my observations. I have a pretty fast PC and I was getting 18-23 fps @ 1680x1050
  11. yea looks AWESOME dum duh duuh da-de de de de de-de-de-de dum duh duuh da-de de de de de-de-de-de pow pow pow
  12. hey Josh if I ever wanted to go back and replace the current SSAO with 2.31's SSDO, what files do I need to copy?
  13. yeah I was thinking that you would dynamically activate/deactivate attach/unattach scripts during gameplay, so you could have a status effect script for "this unit is now drunk", and in that script you would have him continue to follow the movement instructions of his normal behavior, but then the "this unit is drunk script" which is dynamically activated at a certain time would then take that initially behavior and just alter it a bit. This way you can have one "Drunken unit" script and just dynamically assign it to whatever entity whenever necessary without having to completely define movement charistics for different entity types. It could work univerally. Then again my knowledge and understanding is admittedly limited. This was my rationalle for +1-1(no net change) you get really interesting dynamic outputs when the scripts interact in that way from my experience, and you can reuse scripts in a more universal non destructive manner because all the behaviors build on top of one another anyone care to put my rationale in its place? Cuz like I said my understanding is limited - I'm probably not a real developer tbh
  14. +1 -1 (no net change) it's more interesting that way and useful too I would think also it's what I'm used to from blender's logic bricks
  15. Pancakes

    Some hints of 3.0

    I want the editor to also tell me whether I have got email. "Welcome to Leadwerks, YOU'VE GOT MAIL" Editor must talk. That would change everyone's perception of what a game engine is capable of.
  16. yes he is as informative as NPR, but with a smidgen of Conan thrown in there for replay value
  17. I would like to be up do date on engine version but I also prefer the 2.31 SSDO. I have tried coping the SSAO.frag, but that hasn't done the trick. Which files do I need to replace in order to place 2.31 SSDO inside of 2.32? thanks
  18. To be perfectly honest, converting the models was the WORST thing about Leadwerks back when I first got it. And that was before scripting. I honestly preferred bumbling around in Visual C++ to all the model conversions I had to do. But the materials system is even worse - figuring out what was constantly going wrong felt like being a forensics agent examining the crime scene of a cold case... at first. But then again I had already been so spoiled. Eventually I got used to it. Thanks to my Favorites Windows 7 Explorer folders it's not nearly as painful as it was in XP with all the folder navigation it takes to make materials and model conversions.
  19. This is basically what I want too. Just also add flowgraphs and it will be GREAT. I also like solids modeling like in Cryengine 2. Where you can put down some cubes to sketch things out even before you actually model them. Also built in material editor like Arbuz said.
  20. To make his own what? 1. Real time texture painting, projection painting with tablet support and material nodes and rendering nodes etc 2. Modeling 3. Sculpting 4. Animating 5. UV unwrapping 6. Sound processing 7. All sorts of rendering abilities 8. Physics, Volumetrics, Lighting etc. Of course it would take work. But sometimes the end does justify the means. I don't understand why people get "scared" when they see blender's interface for the first time. When I first saw it I thought, "Oooh, what does this button do" And I started clicking around and had a fun time. I don't know, that's just my general attitude about most CG/game engine related things. Or, he could give his cool programmer a high five and say, "thanks for taking care of that, you're the best" And the rest of what you say is just personal choice. Some teams will have members who are curious about the entire process. Some will not. I remember the lead character designer of Crysis being asked in an interview what was the game about. And he laughed and said that he didn't have any idea "I'm just the art lead" That may be the way that things are done much of the time, but I find that kind of situation quite undesirable personally. And I don't think that I'm the only one. Tools like blender help teams of people who would tend to have my attitude that even an art lead may want to comment on the scripting, while the programmer may have a level design contribution. Then without leaving his scripting console, programming environement, he can throw a few cubes into the map, adjust some assets and submit his idea to his colleagues. I mean but this is just conjecture. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Of course you don't want people stepping on each other's toes. But that's more of a relationship issue and having the ability to cooperate with others type of question. Rather than what software are you using.
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