Yeah if they release that particular engine with the features that they planned on within a certain span of time, it will be a extremely big deal. However with the delays, it's going to give literally everyone else a chance to catch up with them. I own a license to Visual3d.Net. It was a difficult decision to leave Visual3d for Leadwerks, but not so difficult to stay here. Those are good people and they have stated that their niche is large landscapes so I think you might be right, Visual3d.Net is the right engine for you. Their water and sky is amazing. However their interior lighting optimization is non existent.
So for me it came down to amazing water and sky and large landscapes of, vs the amazing rendering and lighting of leadwerks. I like them both.
If only we could smush them together and form one giga engine like Voltron.
I mean now that I think of it. Since Josh is looking for investors anyway. What if Leadwerks and Visual3d.Net just combined their code into one somehow. Then Leadwerks would inherit the infinite landscapes, advanced water and sky, while Visual3d.Net would inherit deferred rendering Lua scripting and a really nice API. Hmmm. I wonder what Josh thinks about that. The guys at have spent years on their infinite landscapes already and are almost ready to push it out I think. Yet they don't have any interior lighting scheme at all, which Leadwerks is a genius at doing.
Oh well it's best for me to stay out of this sort of business. But an interesting musing anyway.